Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:budgiedeepinelementarygnome
Description:Feel free to request icons for applications you are using.
---> Requests/Suggestions/Bug Report: https://github.com/SethStormR/Spring
*** For better experience install Papirus: https://www.gnome-look.org/s/Gnome/p/1166289 ***
Version 3.1
Added: MediaElch, Avidemux, gnome subtitles, kazam,
Added: simplescreenrecorder, (steam) Baldur's Gate 1 + 2 + 3,
Added: Double Commander, bleachbit, clamTK, Zim wiki,
Added: KeepassXC, (steam) Ultimate ADOM,
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
Replace screenshots with screens showing the actual icons?
Some closer up images?
I have added a picture now that shows some of the icons in big format.
9 Really nice theme. Some icons are missing (e.g. SimpleScreenRecorder), but very good overall.
Thanks! I'll add SSR in the next release.
Hi, can you add VSCode, Godot and Spotify icons? Thank you, it looks awesome
They will be added in next release. Sorry I havn't responded earlier but I have been busy with other stuff.
Excelente job! Thank you
8 8 great
Thank you :)