Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38
Made by Paulxfce
This is a 'Icy' variant of the Desert-theme. Designed to be light, crisp, and simple, this theme is thoroughly built and tested to provide a nice desktop environment.
The theme only provides a GTK3-theme, with dark-support, and a matching gnome-shell. It is built for the Gnome-DE.
This theme is developed for the gnome DE. It works on GTK3.22 to GTK3.29, and GTK3.32/34/36/38, NOT GTK 3.30.
How to install:
Download the theme,
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory.
Then use the Tweak Tool and select the theme.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take full effect!
Ratings & Comments
8 The shading makes a very good 3D effect, the transparency is fine but in my opinion a Blur effect throughout the menu would be better.
Paul is a great themer, but he seems to have become inactive since 4 years now.
9 Hi thank you very much this theme is great, but I have a problem with the selection rectangle (DrawingArea), it has no transparency and does not let me see the files I am selecting. How I fix it.
9 excellent
10 10 the best
10 10 the best
1 The top
10 10 the best
This is a very nice, very cool theme. Since the known issues on nautilus I use the nemo filemanager on Ubuntu. Is there a easy way to style the nemo sidebar like nautilus? Unfortunately I don't understand the gtk structures well enough todo it myself.Could you help? thanx
10 The only author who knows how to create thin title bar
10 Merci !
Paulxfce, have you ever thought of making the min-max-close buttons the same size and style of the other buttons on the bar? Is it possible? I think it would be very cool. Check the image I created as an example on the link below. Don't mind my Photoshop skills, I'm a beginner. lol Cheers. https://ibb.co/PgGXW2h
As a matter of fact I am working on it. Getting them together as close as in your photoshop will not be easy
That's awesome! They can be separated, no problem, as long as they have the same shape and colors as the other buttons of the bar. I think this will bring a very consistent pattern to the theme. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this will be the first theme available with this approach. I've never seen any with buttons like that. :-)
The problem is that button sometimes are grouped differently according to the window. In your image, you see the middle-button having straight corners and the other buttons on the outside have corners at the outside. This is all fine, accept, some people want their buttons on the left-side, so the buttons all all in the wrong shape...
Yes, I understand. I saw your test2 image. It's getting cool. I like it. :-) They're still not the same height as the others, maybe it's something difficult to set (I have no idea), but I really like the way they look. Very consistent to me. :-)
Paulxfce, this theme is amazing. I'm really enjoying it. Congratulations. Do you plan to support GTK2 as well? Would you consider making an alternative version of this theme with the same minimize-maximize-close buttons found on your other theme Cameo-Alu-Dark-Traditional? Those buttons are the best. Thank you very much for your effort. Your themes really make Gnome prettier.
10 10 the best
Can't figure how the "Send DM" function works. A few remarks: bullets and checkboxes on popover menus suffer from bad legibility/low contrast, particularly under light theme. When clicking either leftmost or rightmost on top bar, curve at endpoint fails to be properly colored -- dull grey instead of theme's highlight color. Prof-Gnome suffers from the same issue, but not Adwaita theme. Gtk# apps (using the Mono runtime) are unable to use the theme; they revert to plain, default grey theme (seen while using "Pinta" app.) Prof-Gnome does not have this issue. Apologies for the harsh tone, trying to be brief. I still love this theme.
bullets and check-boxes > Well, they are designed to be minimal. I would preferably use only check-boxes without any background (as it is on mac os), but this is not advisable in gnome. So bullets and check-boxes have a very light background intentionally as a sort of compromise.. The Pinta app uses GTK2, this is not provided with this theme (Prof-gnome has GTK2) Unfortunately, flatpak, snaps do not follow themes properly. This is a well known issue... please, explain what you mean by 'When clicking either leftmost or rightmost on top bar, curve at endpoint fails to be properly colored '
IMO the light backgrounds are especially problematic for the bullets. I understand what you're going for, and it's your call, but usability does slightly suffer. Pinta in this case is a native rpm file. I have copied over the gtk2 folder from Prof-Gnome, because the lack of gtk2 theme rendering is quite jarring. Could there be a way to tell Gnome to use Adwaita for gtk2 apps as fallback in the theme's settings? Here's an image to show what I was trying to explain previously with the top bar: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gmek90zwh845rdz/Corner%20Show.png?dl=0 Thanks for everythng. I will keep using ice-theme since it's such a delight to use.
10 10 the best
10 Pefect ;-)
10 10 I think this might be even better than Prof-Gnome.