Available as/for:gnome-36gnome-38
Made by Paulxfce
This is a variant of the Desert-theme with colors matching a scene of a forest at dawn . Designed to be light, crisp, and simple, this theme is thoroughly built and tested to provide a nice desktop environment.
The theme only provides a GTK3-theme, with dark-support, and a matching gnome-shell. It is built for the Gnome-DE.
The background used in the screenshot (pexels-eberhard-grossgasteiger-4406280.jpg) is license-free.
This theme is developed for the gnome DE. It works on GTK3.22 to GTK3.29, and GTK3.32/34/36/38, NOT GTK 3.30.
How to install:
Download the theme,
Just copy the extracted file to a '.themes'-folder you make in your home directory.
Then use the Tweak Tool and select the theme.
LOG OUT AND BACK IN for changes to take full effect!
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great
10 thanks for your job
10 What a festival! Thank you !
9 9 excellent Since there's no GTK 2, I'm using gperfection-clearlooks0.6 https://www.xfce-look.org/p/1079669/ to make GIMP look better. Love the colors for Forest-Dawn!
Well, crap...that didn't work after all. LOL I'll still use this, though. As far as window borders, Pop-Xfwm works nicely. I'm using Gnome Icons, and it blends in very well.
Gimp 2.99 is gtk3. It takes the dark mode of the theme
Okay, I'll try that. Thanks. :-)
8 8 great
Beautiful! Any chance of this going to Xfce?
I am waiting for version 4.16. it should be available soon.
Great! This will be worth the wait.
9 Another nice one, thanks Paul! :)
This one was really difficult to make. It was a real challenge. The color-pallet is not one you would choose at first glance. But it grows on to you. Technically this is my best so far.