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Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
I'm sorry, after copying the theme in the right folder I picked this out of your install script: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/plymouth/themes/default.plymouth default.plymouth /usr/share/plymouth/themes/UBUNTU-7.04-BOOT-SPLASH-PORT_1.0.0_PLYMOUTH-THEME/UBUNTU-7.04-BOOT-SPLASH-PORT_1.0.0_PLYMOUTH-THEME.plymouth 600 && sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u and applied in a terminal. Now the theme works like a charm! Great work!
Doesn't work so well on my Neon KDE-box (internel Ubuntu). I can try to install using the 1) GUI , systemsettings, but then your nostalgic beauty can only be seen at closing the system 2) your install script, gives the same result and 3) sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth in terminal to get a list of installable themes but yours isn't in the list... But the short impression I get when closing down is beautiful. Great!
I checked on KDE neon User Edution 5.20. Indeed, the theme is installed via but is not fully activated. For full activation you need to open "System Settings -> Startup and Shutdown -> Boot splash screen" and select a theme here.
Thank you. But it works so beautiful now! A real piece of art!