SDDM Theme Materia Dark KDE with real Material Qt styleminimal version Qt 5.8 (QtQuick 2.8, QtQuick.Controls 2.1, QtGraphicalEffects 1.0, QtQuick.Controls.Material 2.1)supported feauteres:- activity indicator CAPSLOCK- users drop-down list- activity Failed Password- indicators Clock & Keyboard Layout- avatars (create your image on ~/.face.icon supported with SVG, PNG or JPG )KNOWN ISSUES:- force disabled autostart QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard for comphortable usage
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10 10 the best
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NOTE: ~/.face.icon it's full image path for your avatar, not needed added extension svg, png or jpg to image name. recommend use 144px x 144px image size or more
I added the image .face.icon in home with the size that you recommended, but the image is not showed in the sddm... I don't know what I did wrong...