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Fix button alignment on maximized windows.
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The link for this dependency is dead, making expose XP theme for Plasma 5 non funcional
Just checked the global theme, this link is correct. Can you tell me more?
Here is the bug, also if you try to manually download the above file it will get an error. Installation of /tmp/WDNunQ-expose-global-1-6.tar.xz failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://aurorae.knsrc/'
OK, got it now. I get a 'file not found' response when trying to download. I've updated Expose for Plasma 6 so try here: Not updating the Plasma 5 versions anymore, don't think I even kept archive copies.
I'm still using plasma 5 because of new Kubuntu 24.04 which comes with KDE 5.27.11 still no backports, can you upload a working version for it, thanks
You can use that new version. It includes .desktop and .json description files so will show up in Plasma 5 or 6.
It works, thanks add to manually install all dependencies, but is working now.
The other Expose variants are fine, but this specific one seems to have been scaled up juusst slightly, making the icons a bit blurry and the title bar slightly too tall.
Not sure what's going on, the elements are aligned to the pixel grid. Will have a look tho. Is your screen set to 96dpi?
Yes, my screen is 96dpi. And I can see the problem in the screenshots you submitted to show the window decoration. Just look at the 'maximize' button in this screenshot of yours here: And compare it to the 'maximize' button in this screenshot here: If you use a tool like KColorChooser, you'll notice that in your screenshots the white square symbol's sides are wider than a single pixel across on all sides (not counting the top because it's Supposed to be more than a pixel tall), and are simply light blue - with a lighter blue on the outside, and a slightly deeper light blue on the inside. On the actual Windows XP screenshot, however, you'll find that the white square 'maximize' symbol has sides that are a single pixel wide (except the top side), and are pure white. Additionally, the screenshot for your window decoration shows a window decoration which is 32 pixels tall, but in the official screenshot it's 30 pixels tall. Your 'Expose Metallic' window theme, by comparison, is the correct height of 30 pixels tall, but this 'Expose' one is 32. Perhaps you had quickly fixed it on your end afterward, and forgot you had done so? Try installing the version from here under a new user account on your computer and see if it still looks correct.
No idea why I changed the titlebar height (the maximized element was still 30) but its now reverted to 30. The buttons were a simple mistake in the config file. Thanks for letting me know.
Just checked. This theme has the same dimensions as the other variants. I can't reproduce the problem here. Maybe a screenshot would help. Usually problems occur when text rendering is switched away from 96dpi as dpi seems to be considered when rendering vector bitmaps into images.
10 10 the best
10 One of the best themes god ever created, been trolling everyone at work with it the past week!
10 10 the best