Office-Style back to 2007 XFCE and MATE
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
1 Sorry, it looks really ugly.
Thank you very much for your comment. Please explain what you find ugly and why.
10 I love it! Please consider making it available for Xfce as well. This was my favorite MacOS theme!
Ok i'll do that soon next days. Need to provide metacity and xfwm themes as well as the panel fixes.
Try it! XFCE support added now. Should tun on 3.14 and 3.16. If there is a bug just tell me
The only thing I would suggest would be to allow the close/minimize/maximize buttons to be placed on the left. But it's looking really good. The Panel icon is a nice touch, but it's pretty small in Xfce. It is probably correct in the original MacOS, though. Bigger monitors tend to make things look smaller. But, thanks. That's nice. Do you have plans to modify the scroll bars?
Sorry, what I meant was the scroll bars for Thunar. They look the same as they do in apps like Brave, LibreOffice, Inkscape, Xfce Terminal and such; just a gray rectangle. They do show up with the Aqua scroll bars just fine in GIMP, FeatherPad,.
I did now try to fix the things you mentioned @eldon. For panel bg there are now some icon sizes.-. Also i did fix the scrollbar ion gtk3. For gtk4 im addign it soon too. Then there would also be support for mate.
Looking really good! May I make another suggestion? For the buttons in Xfce for the panel (Window Buttons, Launchers, Status, etc.) could they be made square/rectangular instead of oval/circular?