The new version of macOS, macOS Monterey, is just around the corner, and it is loaded with many new features; And many of us in the Linux Community want to experience an interface similar to that of macOS Monterey. With that in mind I have decided to make a Cairo Dock theme to bring a bit of what's new in macOS Monterey.
Wear your Dock like macOS Monterey.
I hope you like it and enjoy it };-]
Importing themes in Cairo Dock
There are two ways to import the themes in Cairo Dock, both very easy to do.
>>> First way.
The first way is extracting the files from the .tar.gz package and placing the extracted files in the following path: ".config / cairo-dock / themes /" ...
To do this, you must press the "ctrl + h" on Gnome, or "alt + ." on KDE to display the hidden files;
then you go the route ".config / cairo-dock / themes /" and paste the files extracted from the .tar.gz package.
>>> Second way.
1 - Right click anywhere in Cairo Dock and a drop-down menu will appear, you need go to the item "Cairo Dock" and then to "Configure"
2 - Next we go to the tab "Themes"
At the end of the section of preconfigured themes, we will see the words "... or drag and drop a theme package here",
and on the opposite side of these words, you will see an arrow pointing up or the word "Open", so, click on "Open" or "Up Arrow", and look for the downloaded .tar.gz package of Themes
3 - Now, the theme will be exported to the Cairo Dock configuration, then click on "Apply", and click again on the green mark to confirm.
Note: In this way you don't nedd to extract the files, directly import the .tar.gz package.
Changing the icons of the Rubbish bin.
- 1. Right click on the garbage can to display the menu.
- 2. Hover over the "Bin" section and click "Edit"
- 3. When the configuration window appears, click on "Configuration"
- 4. You will see options for overwriting the empty and full rubbish bin icon.
- 5. Click the up arrows and look for the icons for each option, full and empty Rubbish bin.
--- This process works to change any icon in Cairo Dock.
--- You must put the icons in a folder that does not move by accident, since when moving the folder that contains the icons that you have changed, the icons will disappear from Cairo Dock.
Albert App Launcher BS Themes
mcOS Monterey Wallpapers
Now you can place all your applications of daily use in the Dock and enjoy the themes with mcOS Monterey Style.
Enjoy it!!!
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
10 How difficult is it to create a custom Cairo-dock theme like this? I have been looking for a completely transparent dock with rounded corners and a 1 pixel white outline but all the MacOS themes that round the corners and outline the dock also colorize it a translucent white, red, or black. Did you follow a tutorial to create your themes? Could you please share any URLs you have to tutorial videos or instruction pages to do this?