For your network, check what is your network interface name and change it in back-to-basic.conf file.
For distro logo, open back-to-basic.lua file and change home_dir value to your home direct.
You can read the detail here:
For cpu temp, go to /sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/ folder and check which hwmon folder available for your machine. Mine is hwmon5. It might be hwmon3. hwmon4 etc etc. Once identified, put that folder name in back-to-basic.conf file.
If you edit the files in extracted folder, you might want to run ./ script again so that the changes reflected to installed folder which is in ~/.config/conky/back-to-basic
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
thank you
9 For some reason my network tab is completely blank and the cpu package temp and distro logo is missing.
For your network, check what is your network interface name and change it in back-to-basic.conf file. For distro logo, open back-to-basic.lua file and change home_dir value to your home direct. You can read the detail here:
I didn't notice that part of the readme, thanks
you're welcome :)
For cpu temp, go to /sys/bus/platform/devices/coretemp.0/hwmon/ folder and check which hwmon folder available for your machine. Mine is hwmon5. It might be hwmon3. hwmon4 etc etc. Once identified, put that folder name in back-to-basic.conf file. If you edit the files in extracted folder, you might want to run ./ script again so that the changes reflected to installed folder which is in ~/.config/conky/back-to-basic