Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Royal Z is a black/white icon theme based on Spring and Papirus for Zorin 16 and Zorin 16 Pro. But should work without any problem on other distros as well.
It aims for Black GTK/Gnome-shell themes.
There's two version of Royal Z. The default version and then Glass version is a bit more translucent and goes well with translucent GTK/Gnome-shell themes.
"Royal Z" goes well with the GTK/Gnome-shell theme "Shade of Z", which are available here: https://www.pling.com/p/1550993
Request icons for the next update; https://github.com/SethStormR/Royal-Z/issues
Version 3.0
Budgie is now supported
Added: Celluliod, Drawing, Easytag, gThumb, Plank, Atom,
Added: Insomnia, Syncthing, Shotcut, MuseScore, PlayonLinux,
Added: ScummVM, Soundcloud, evernote, ferdi, catfish, Tilix,
Added: Warpinator, Sounconverter, Pidgin, GPU Viewer,
Games: (Steam) Hollow Knight, (Steam) Wasteland 3,
Games: (Steam) Rogue Lords, (Steam) Dungeons 1+2+3,
Games: (Steam) Low on magic, (Steam) Total War: Warhammer 3,
Changed: VideoDownloader, (Steam) Master of Orion 1+2+3+4,
Ratings & Comments
Im try to install it and dont works well. Please check it and fix it, i want to install it because i love it. :(
Hi, Please see how to install icon theme; https://forum.zorin.com/t/how-to-set-a-third-party-icon-theme/4347 Also make sure the icon theme isn't double folder.
Sorry i dont tell you. I have plasma and your icon pack fails.
Ah, see your problem. The icon theme is build mainly for Gnome desktop in mind (soon XFCE when Zorin lite comes.). It havn't been tested on KDE. I properly should add to the description.
10 the best
10 10 the best
thank you very much :)