Description: This is a Ulauncher theme that complements the GTK Gruvbox Theme. I hope you like it and enjoy it };-]
Ulauncher is an App Launcher similar to Spotlight in macOS. So, I've created some themes with the color scheme of Gruvbox GTK Themes to match with the desktop.
To apply the Ulauncher themes, you just need to download the themes, extract the zip, tar.gz, etc., files and move the extracted files to any of the following paths:
- Download the themes and extract them...
- Launch Nautilus or your file manager and press "Ctrl+H", and go to "~/.config/ulauncher", and create the folder "/user-themes".
- Move the extracted files to the "~/.config/ulauncher/user-themes".
- Now press "Ctrl+Spacebar" and click on the cog in the Ulauncher bar or click in Ulauncher systray icon and go to app config and choose the new themes.
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