Everforest Icons Themes
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Icon theme with the Tokyo Night colour palette, created with the Oomox application in the Suru icon style.
More themes of the 'Code Editors Colours for GTK Themes' serie
Material Themes, Shell and Icons
Material GTK Themes
Material Shell Themes
Material Icons Themes
Everforest Themes, Shell and Icons
Everforest GTK Themes
Everforest Shell Themes
Everforest Icons Themes
Tokyonight Themes, Shell and Icons
Tokyonight GTK Themes
Tokyo Night Shell Themes
Tokyo Night Icons Themes
Gruvbox Themes, Shell and Icons
Gruvbox GTK Themes
Gruvbox Shell Themes
Gruvbox Icons Themes
Ulauncher Themes
Everforest Ulauncher Themes
Tokyonight Ulauncher Themes
Gruvbox Ulauncher Themes
Plank Dock Themes
Tokyonight Plank Dock Themes
Gruvbox Plank Dock Themes
-- Update Light Icons version
Ratings & Comments
9 What is the dock?
Dash To Dock, But here is the version for Plank Dock. https://www.pling.com/p/1972220/
10 10 the best
I'm new in linux world and in shock to see this everforest theme, absolutely amazing!!! You are really an artist! Totally different from anything I've seen so far. I'm using Linux mint with cinnamon. Then I can't install it to my pc, can I? Sorry for my beginner question...
Hi, @sterls Don't apologise for being a beginner at something, when I started on Linux I had the same questions, and I think we all have those questions when starting on a new OS, the important thing is to ask the questions and be curious. Regarding your question, when you open the Cinnamon file explorer, it opens in the '$HOME' folder, you must look in the 'VIEW' menu to find the option to 'view hidden files', or you can also press 'CTRL h' and this will show the hidden files in your 'HOME' folder; you must create a folder called: '.icons', putting a dot makes the folder hidden, then place the icon pack in that folder, and you can apply it from the Cinnamon settings. Thanks for your support };-]
Hi, @sterls Don't apologise for being a beginner at something, when I started on Linux I had the same questions, and I think we all have those questions when starting on a new OS, the important thing is to ask the questions and be curious. Regarding your question, when you open the Cinnamon file explorer, it opens in the '$HOME' folder, you must look in the 'VIEW' menu to find the option to 'view hidden files', or you can also press 'CTRL h' and this will show the hidden files in your 'HOME' folder; you must create a folder called: '.icons', putting a dot makes the folder hidden, then place the icon pack in that folder, and you can apply it from the Cinnamon settings. Thanks for your support };-]
Hi there Fkorpsvart, thanks for being this helpful and sorry again, but I thought of the whole theme, not just the icons...I see it is for Gnome and I have Cinnamon, so I thought there is no way for my pc to look like this.
That works also for Cinnamon, and the packages for the theme go in a folder, always hidden, that should be called: '.themes', and then you apply them from the Cinnamon configuration, I have Cinnamon virtual machines to test the themes and that's the way I do it, and it works very well.
You are amazing! The black version of theme with light version of icons I could do it!:) Should the light version of theme too work in Cinnamon?
Actually, the Light version is outdated, I had some problems adapting it for Gnome 42, but in theory, it should work for Cinnamon, you can try it and I hope it works; I'm working on the Light versions of Gruvbox, Tokyonight and Everforest to update next week, you can try this version now and try the update later.
As I see it is not working now (at least in the .theme folder in the Everforest_Light folder there is no cinnamon folder, only gnome-shell). But no matter, I'm super happy with the black version and it was a pleasure to meet you! I already paid 29.95 as a supporter, even though I don't see my name on the list... Hope you'll get the money;-)
Well, I hope that in the update next week I will be able to puncture correctly the Light version, I'm working on it and testing so that everything works fine. And when you make a donation as a supporter, the donation goes to the platform, not to me personally, but it's great that you support the work of the platform, there are many people who work hard and great themes from many people who make this Linux platform grow. Thanks for your support, it's great of you, nice to meet you too. };-]
Just for the last time, I promise:) Is that normal that when I open up the menu, then it is semi-transparent when the background is lighter? For example when I use Firefox in light. Any window I open is perfect, it is dark as should be, except the menu. In the settings I don't even meet the word "transparent" or "transparency" where to change something. And a very-very last question: where are you from? (I was from Hungary.) And THANK YOU!!!
Could you show me a screenshot to see which menu you are referring to? I've put transparency in some parts, the apps menu and other menus, but I'd like to see a screenshot to get a good idea.
It is the apps menu. Unfortunately when the menu is open, then the pint screen button doesn't work, so I took the shot with phone. https://ibb.co/KjHp0cn https://ibb.co/k9jrZ6J
Well, I hope that in the update I make next week the Light version will work properly, I'm working on it and testing so that everything works fine. And when you make a donation as a supporter, the donation goes to the platform, not to me personally, but it's great that you support the work of the platform, there are many people who work hard and great themes from many people who make this Linux platform grow. Thanks for your support, that's great of you, nice to meet you too.
Here is a screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/fr7RbHp
9 9 excellent Do you have the gruvbox theme for kde too?
No, @runek, I'm not currently making themes for KDE, but maybe in the future. Thanks for your support };-]
10 10 the best
Thank you, @oniRy.