Plasma Original Layout
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I've installed your theme from the github repo and it is great! I'm loving the consistency and ease of install. Do you have the list of widgets you are using in the screenshot shown here? I want mine to look similar because with the default widgets it doesn't looks as good :( This is how mine looks:
The desktop widgets are: Analog Clock, Folder View, CPU Usage, Memory Usage and Disk Usage. Also disable the desktop Folder View (the layout not the widget) (Configure Desktop and Wallpaper > Layout > Desktop) The Latte layout is slightly different than the one in the screenshot, I modified it a little so it doesn't use any external widgets. If you want to get the exact one in the screenshot, I hid all of the system tray icons and added Networks and Audio as separate widgets. The battery widget is mcOS Inline Battery and the one on the very right is Compact Shutdown.
Thank you very much for the step by step! I'm liking how it's looking with the widgets. The only ones I couldn't fine were the meters (CPU, RAM and Disk). Do you have a link where you downloaded them?
They are built-in Plasma widgets, they should be in the widgets menu under the names of: Total CPU Usage, Memory Usage and Disk Usage (unless you are on a really old version of Plasma)