Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Based this on the Greybird Geeko theme, specifically, but I think that just changes some colors, so it should work fine for any greybird version. Not to say that it's a perfect imitation, but it should do the trick if someone just wants their Qt applications to fit into a greybird-themed desktop.
Installation instructions:
If you're using Plasma, then go to application style, select QtCurve, and click on the edit button to open the QtCurve configuration GUI. From there you can import the theme
Otherwise, there might be a better way to do this, but you can overwrite ~/.config/qtcurve/stylerc with the qtcurve file. Last changelog:
Installation instructions:
If you're using Plasma, then go to application style, select QtCurve, and click on the edit button to open the QtCurve configuration GUI. From there you can import the theme
Otherwise, there might be a better way to do this, but you can overwrite ~/.config/qtcurve/stylerc with the qtcurve file.
1.1 - Thinner tab borders
Slightly more accurate to Greybird, I think
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