with tile background and music player status
Instalation see How to apply, if there is an error please read it again.
Since there are limitations to API calls from openweather, I suggest creating your own api_key and then overwrite the one in weather-v2.0.sh or weather.sh to avoid error (appears Null )
You can create it for free at Openweathermap
Check out my profile for other cool conky themes for your desktop...
For GNOME users, if there is a problem with the background image (PNG) that looks faded or transparent, please change it in this config
draw_blended = false,
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_transparent = true,
Try experimenting with replacing it with true or false, if suddenly Conky doesn't appear don't panic, just undo and restart Conky
This theme is include a script to change the accent color
To use the script is as follows :
- make sure the regulus-light folder is in ~/.config/conky/
- open your terminal
- execute the following commands
$ cd ~/.config/conky/Regulus-Light
$ ./change-color.sh 008080
- you can change 008080 with your favorite HEX code color
- wait for it to finish, Done
Check out my profile for other cool conky themes for your desktop...
Check out my most downloaded themes :
1) Mimosa Dark- Conky theme
2) Sirius - Conky theme
3) Alterf - Conky theme
4) Regulus Dark - Conky theme
5) Shelyak - Conky theme
6) Mimosa Dark ( Calendar version ) - Conky theme
See also other themes from Leonis Conky themes pack :
- Shelyak - Conky theme
- Chertan - Conky theme
- Alterf - Conky theme
- Sirius - Conky theme
- Izar - Conky theme
- Naos - Conky theme
- Denebola - Conky theme
- Rasalas - Conky theme
Font Source :
Bebas Neue
Wallpaper :
1st Unsplash
3rd Fluent by Vinceliuice
4th Unsplash
Lua script from londonali1010
Note :
- Wallpaper selection can affect the appearance of the theme
- I've only tried it on XFCE and Openbox, and everything works flawlessly
For some DEs sometimes there are a few problems with themes that use background images (png),
until now I haven't been able to provide a solution, so please try experimenting yourself
Ratings & Comments
9 cool theme in light mode
Thank you for rating and using my theme..
if the weather data that appears is Null, then please replace the apikey in weather-v2.0.sh with your own, you can make it for free at openweathermap.org which you can only use a few hours later..
The api key is no longer functioning, I had to replace it with my own for it to work.
Really? I have tried and it still works
Weather does not work. How to fix it
have you put the regulus folder in ~/.config/conky/ ?
yes i put it in
is jq already installed? if not, please install first, for debian based you can install it with the command sudo apt install jq
i use arch linux operating system xfce
try this Command sudo pacman -S jq
8 Can you please give me second wallpaper link? Also weather widget not working for me.
2nd wallpaper https://wallpaperscraft.com/download/abstraction_sharp_figure_101902/1920x1080
Thanks broo!
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 10 the best