Since there are limitations to API calls from openweather, I suggest creating your own api_key and then overwrite the one in or to avoid error (appears Null ),You can create it for free at Openweathermap
Check out my profile for other cool conky themes for your desktop...
This theme is equipped with a script that is used to change the accent color
and how to use it is as follows :
- open your terminal
- then exectute the following command
Graffias Dark
$ cd ~/.config/conky/Graffias-Dark
$ ./ 008080
Graffias Light
$ cd ~/.config/conky/Graffias-Light
$ ./ 008080
- 008080 is just an example, you can use your favorite Hex Color code
- Wait until the process is complete
- done
For GNOME users ( or KDE ), if there is a problem with the background image (PNG) that looks faded or transparent, please change it in this config
draw_blended = false,
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_transparent = true,
Try experimenting with replacing it with true or false, if suddenly Conky doesn't appear don't panic, just undo and restart Conky
Check out my most downloaded themes :
1) Mimosa Dark - Conky theme
2) Sirius - Conky theme
3) Alterf - Conky theme
4) Regulus Dark - Conky theme
5) Shelyak - Conky theme
6) Mimosa Dark ( Calendar version ) - Conky theme
Please feel free to use the themes I created for personal use or for desktop ricing tutorials on YouTube (or others), but if you want to donate to buy coffee or snacks, I would really appreciate it.
via PayPal or Buy me a coffee
See also other themes from Scorpio - Conky themes pack :
- Antares - Conky theme
- Graffias - Conky theme
- Auva - Conky theme
- Mirach - Conky theme
- Shaula - Conky theme
- Sargas - Conky theme
- Jabbah - Conky theme
- Lesath - Conky theme
- Fuyue - Conky theme
- Xamidimura - Conky theme
Font Source :
Bebas Neue
Wallpaper :
1st Pexels
2nd Rare Gallery
3rd Wallpaperflare
Lua script from ( and I was really helped by their scripts )
Ringsmeter : londonali1010
Note :
- Created on 1366x768 Monitor, maybe if applied on a wide screen it will look too small
- Wallpaper selection can affect the appearance of the theme
- I've only tried it on Ubuntu with XFCE and Openbox DE, and everything works flawlessly, It could be that for other DEs / Linux Distribution there are different configurations in the theme / dependency, please try it yourself because I can't try it on all DEs.
Ratings & Comments
8 8 Great, nice theme
is there any way to use farnhite for weather temp
I've planned to make it, but I'm still busy... maybe in this month
9 Nice theme. One question: I have two monitors and want the widget on the left one . Could you help me with this or send me in a direction? Im sry if its something obvious, im relativ new to linux.
unfortunately I don't have two screens yet.. but I'll try to find references
I tried to display Rhythmbox music instead of M.O.C i changed a code little bit. So, i changed following code: ${offset 0}${voffset 40}${font Material:size=9}${if_running mocp} ${font Carlito:size=11}${moc_state} :${else}${font Material:size=9} ${font Carlito:size=11}No music played${endif} ${offset 0}${voffset 5}${font Metropolis black:size=15}${if_running mocp}${moc_artist}${else}${font} ${offset 0}${voffset 2}${font Carlito:size=11}${if_running mocp}${moc_song}${else} TO THIS: ${offset 0}${voffset 40}${font Material:size=9}${if_running rhythmbox} ${font Carlito:size=11}Playing:${else}${font Material:size=9} ${font Carlito:size=11}No music played${endif} ${offset 0}${voffset 5}${font Metropolis black:size=15}${if_running rhythmbox}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format='%ta'}${else}${font} ${offset 0}${voffset 2}${font Carlito:size=11}${if_running rhythmbox}${exec rhythmbox-client --print-playing-format='%tt'}${else} BUT, for some reason Ryhmbox auto-starts and when i try to close it, it relaunches. Can someone help me with the problem i got????? BTW im talking about Graffias.conf file up there.
I've tried that command and indeed it makes the rhythmbox apps open again, the easiest way is to use playerctl, this can be used for many music players including browsers
I can't change the weather location
its easy.. first you have to have your city's city_id which you can get at, then open the graffias folder >> scripts folder >> open then replace the old city_id, done.
some way to display music playing in my browser or spotify?
ok, I will Update this theme soon
9 Nice theme.
9 Bro compartirias tu tema de openbox?
how to display currently playing music from spotify?
for now I'm not using spotify, to be able to display it must use another command, you can try [url=]this[/url] or [url=]this[/url]
5 5 average
Whether isn't working.
maybe you didn't put the graffias folder right, please check again
I've checked, and everything is where it's supposed to be. I don't understand why the weather isn't working.
then try to check if it is already installed jq
OML, IT WORKED. Thank you!
you're welcome
if you using debian based, install it by command sudo apt install jq