Mysterious World
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
There are two version - one for light mode and one for dark mode.
More colors coming soon!!!
Tested on Fedora Workstation and Zorin OS 16 Pro/core/lite
Version 1.1
Added: Boinc, Rambox Pro, SteamLink, Transmission Remote,
Added: Denemo, Peex, MS Edge, Seahorse,
Added: extra mime-type icons
Games: OpenMW,
Games: (Steam) KeeperRL, (Steam) Two Point Campus,
Fixed Abiword icon (missing shadow)
Changed: (Steam) The Hand of Merlin
Changed: Firmware icon, Acetino2, Acetoneiso, xournal,
Changed: Gnome Photo icon, Brasero, keepass 1+2+x2+xc,
Changed: Darktable, easyTAG, FreeCAD, K3b, redshift,
Changed: XFburn,
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
Thank you very much :)
10 10 the best
Thank you very much :)