Named after the famous artist Albrecht Dürer, "DoorMaker" window decoration aims to open many possibilities to decorate your Irixium desktop in a colorful way. It also has a "Marble" variant for those "non-flat rebels" who want to stretch the retrospective aesthetic to the extremes.
Use this window decoration theme with Irixium Plasma theme and Kvantum theme.
After you installed the "DoorMaker" Aurorae theme, follow these steps for fine-tuning:
1. Go to Settings > Appearance > Color.
2. Install the "DoorMaker" Color Scheme (the blue color of the Vancouver theme is set by default)
3. Click on "Edit" button, look for "Hover Decoration" in the list, change it as you like.
+1 Note that you might have to change the titlebar text color if you would like to use a dark color for your window decoration:
1. Find the "DoorMakerrc" file in /home/.local/share/aurorae/themes/DoorMaker (or DoorMaker-M).
2. Find the "ActiveTextColor" (2nd line), change it to white ("255,255,255,255").
A few colors to try (from the original Irix Interactive Desktop):
Arizona: #968d4f
BlackAndWhite (Willis): #000000
Bayou (Leonardo): #b69dab
Buckingham (VanGogh): #9991a6
DarkBliss (Mendocino, Rembrandt): #44848c
Gainsborough (RedGreenSafe): #aea9c2
Gotham (Whistler): #aba68c
GrayScale (Print): #d6d6d6
IndigoMagix (Base, Lascaux, Titian): #c6c1aa
Inverness: #b7a5d0
KeyWest: #e3a6a6
Metropolis: #925279
Milan: #c6bf92
Monet (RoseGarden): #aaa5d5
Pacific: #0e7698
Potrero (Turner): #b38eb4
Rio: #e788e8
Sargent: #909585
Vancouver: #b0bad7
(Special thanks to the MaXX Interactive Desktop maintainers who made it possible to find the old Irix colorschemes in their repositories.)
Two extra colors to try (as seen in the screenshots):
Haiku: #ffcb00
Red marble: #edb072
Ratings & Comments
The marble version won't download (file not found), do you have it hosted anywhere else?
9 look at that
Thank you very much!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
Hey, sweet nineties stuff! Though you wouldn't happen to know what's that beautifully done icon theme you're using in place? Thanks in advance!
Hi, it is the icon set of the Haiku OS. I am using this repository: https://github.com/mdomlop/retrosmart-icon-theme
Thank you! I did stumbled on that link before, though I couldn't exactly tell how does the installation procedure work on that. How did you exactly install it on your KDE, if I may?
The author of the icon theme provides DEB and AUR packages. See the README.md file for installation instructions.
9 9 very nice :)
Thank you! :)