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Stéphane Lassalvy

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IceWM Theme : nIceCDE

This repository contains a theme based on a former theme names FMotif from Alexander Voigt which I found on the page :
This theme is inspired by the HP-UX workstations look and CDE (Common Desktop Manager) based on the Motif toolkit.

This work has evolved following MissTell advises.

5 colors schemes : Default (emulation of HP-UX look), Mustard, Crimson (emulation CDE Solaris look), Green and Sandy.

I went back on my previous work on the taskbar as it has bad side effects on the log-off dialog box.

Some resources :
- Misstell excellent CDE icon theme :
- Gtk themes which mimic the Motif toolkit :
You will find also backdrops for your root background screen in the cde themes, I picked one from this work to provide a default background.
- Itzselenux start buttons for your ditro :

I have used icewm-menu-fdo to create my menu, it respect FreeDesktop naming but to me it creates too long paths to get to an application. So I simplified the config file by hand. It's quite easy to get something really efficient.

Some references :
- The Wikipedia page about HP_UX (Hewlett-Packard Unix) :
- The wikipedia page about Motif :
- The CDE (Common Desktop Environment) project page :
Hope this work will please you,

Updated on November 14, 2022.
Last changelog:

Changelog November 11, 2022

This work is provided with no guarantee
* Preferences example added
* Prefoverride example added
* Toolbar example added
* Startup example added
* Conkyrc example added
* Background image bg.png added
* Updated default.theme, changed to Look = metal, updated fonts, better with Xft support
* You can verify and/or modify the files : "preferences", "prefoverride" and "toolbar" and if you wish copy them or part of them in your ~/.icewm directory
* "conkyrc" can be copied in your home directory as .conkyrc
* "Xresources" can be copied in your home directory as .Xresources or .Xdefaults
* The grun application can be installed and used to launch programs without opening an xterm
* The volumeicon-alsa package can be installed, at least on Debian, and a volume button can be inserted in the tasbar by writting 'volumeicon &' in your '~/.icewm/startup' file
* Worked on an iconset to provide some CDE icons to PCManFM. Iconset originates from CDE desktop and have been brought in .png format by Arenyart (Andrew Enyart, USA). See for the original theme.
Mainly copied icons and renamed some others to be freedesktop compliant. Modified the theme script to work with Gtk apps. The result is ok for the icons but the navigating arrows are not ok. The iconset can be downloaded there :
* Added two wallpapers under CC0 in the theme background directory and removed previous bg.png tile.
* Fixed a problem of font for the clock applet
* Bitstream Vera Serif Roman is a good font for the GTK menus.
* Added time between clics for double clic
* Added blinking cursor for xterm
* Removed the italic option for menu font and windows titlebar font
* Added a menu_en(english) and menu_fr(french) to copy in your ~/.icewm/menu to get a basis for a menu which is freedesktop compliant.
* Made the icons and font a little bigger in the menu
* For the iconset, I have made some simple navigating arrows that are quite acceptable and also made some consistant work on the icons name and folders. I may work properly with pcmanfm and suits your icewm menu if you use names according to FreeDesktop icons naming, see :
I have used icewm-menu-fdo to create my menu, it respect FreeDesktop naming but to me it creates too long paths to get to an application. So I simplified the config file by hand. It's quite easy to get something really efficient.
* You will also find some XPM icons to put in your ~/.icewm/icons directory to enhance your icewm menu.

November 10, 2022
* made pixmaps for the toolbar and worked on the toolbar look
* worked on the pager buttons
* made a new icon for nIceCDE start menu
* removed the conkyrc file from the archive for the moment
* made a .xpm to get a background image
* worked on the menu focus and the menu separators

November 11, 2022
* Went back to a more simple toolbar/taskbar because of side effects
on the log off dialog box.
* Put a gradient option on pager buttons, to allows changes in names of
the Desks, changing the name's length too much will not show a very good result but it's
now possible.
* made a .xpm to get a background image
* worked on the menu focus and the menu separators
* worked on the Default and Crimson themes.

November 14, 2022
* Made a 5th color scheme named Sandy
* Made several .xpm tiles to provide different possible backgrounds. They are included in the backgrounds/ directory of each archive file.

Ratings & Comments



Hello Misstell, I'm actually used to work on my own but if it can bring a better iconset for the users why not cooperate. I worked on the iconset today an created some new icons for images, videos, documents, and downloads. These are screenshots of what I get :


Hi Stéphane, unfortunately, I couldn't open the screenshots. All I got was 's PB params' error -- whatever that means. Now, just to double-check, please tell me shell I start with my part of 'repair work' (and you wait until I'm done) or not? I can read, and did understand your answer, however -- 'double-check'. I don't mind spending my time to help or improve something, but I mind if I'm spending my time for nothing. I believe that you might have very different results then me, but that's the crux of 'freedom' and 'Linux'... So, 'YES', or 'NO'? Shall I start?


Hello, I have to put my last version of the icons available before you start. I'll put it on github then I'll tell go when you can start. Is it ok for you ?


Hi Stéphane, to be honest, rather put ALL the work on the icon theme on halt, and better wait until I'm done. I started examining the theme, and it's basically all wrong. Current theme: If you take a close look, you'll notice that image of Geany lamp all over the place, almost everywhere if the proper icon is missing. Even better to be seen on this screenshot: After removing the culprit, it all looks as it should: Here another example. Empty trash: Full trash: In short, I need to start from scratch and by deleting or renaming all of the misbehaving icons, before I can even start fixing it. That'll take much, much longer than a week or two ...


It's not publishing the full-text for some reason. Another try to continue the text from below. BTW, I was also 'digging' for the icons, and I got all of yours plus some | |. Now, we should decide on how to proceed, and we basically have two possibilities: either you wish to continue the work on the icon set on your own, and I'm gone, or we can do it together, and I can help you to fix it. The thing is pretty simple: I don't need to fix anything if it's only for me, as I can just revert to my backup, and everything will work for me, but on the other side, I don't mind helping you improve your icon set so that it works for the rest of the folks too. Your icon-set needs not only more icons, but some settings tweaks too. I could easily fix it so that I add all it needs, to make it work for myself, which also means that it'll at least work for every standard Salix setup, and so, you get at least one distribution where it'll work. The thing is, we are using different distribution, and we are using different applications, and so, simply copying your IceWM preferences over to my system won't help me to fix anything, but more probably break more than it fixed, and that's true for most of IceWM users. If you want me to help, there's only your agreement needed and a little time. Since I can't do it overnight, but need a week or two, it would be a good thing if you could quit working on it until I'm done, and after I'm done, you can again continue. Otherwise, the things will get complicated. Your turn now ...


Hello Misstell, I have answered in a wrong place and a part of my message was not displayed. I'm actually used to work on my own but if it can bring a better iconset for the users why not cooperate. I worked on the iconset today an created some new icons for images, videos, documents, and downloads. These are screenshots of what I get :


Well I don't know why a big par part of my message disappear, to be short, I can published my work this week on PNG icons, XPM icons and backdrops. Ok for adding extra icons as long as they come from the CDE project and I'd like to publish the iconset in LGPL. When I have published the work you can work on it for any time you need. We will put our names as authors and then you'll publish it on your ice_ux_pro page, and me on github, I give up on ice_ux in order to have a single webpage for this project. Are you ok with that ? As you can see I am working on another flavor of CDE, maybe we will add this to your ice_ux_pro page when it will be mature.


I try to give you an address with screenshots of what I am trying to make and an example of the real CDE image that inspired the work :,a75,99195,d7323722 . I'd like to call it Musty-Mustard in an ubuntu like manner, for fun, regarding the colors. Anyway if I create a special page for this icewm theme Gtk theme, the iconsets that will come along will still be the same and you'll be credited for that and any other participation.


In order to favour ice_ux_pro instead of ice_ux I will publish my last work on github only and answer you on the ice_ux_pro page. I will tell you when the work is available.



Hello Stéphane, I did try the updated icon theme, and this is where I ended up: Exaile won't start anymore | |, menus, toolbar, file-manager panel ... everything is either pretty empty or wrong (some default stuff) | |, some icons are too small (arrow), some are too big ('sprinter'), mime-types are missing... | |, and the xfce screenshot utility made me laugh -- the up and down arrows are image-viewer application icons | |


Hello, sorry I made an error when building the iconsets archives. It is fixed now.


Hello, I did some work on the iconsets, it is all available on Github or from here. Regards, Stéphane.


Sorry. :( Here is the correct DOWNLOAD LINK:


Great work. I will go on tuning an iconset with names respecting the freedesktop specifications. But it will take time. I am hungry to work on it but I have other things to do too... Well it will be available when ready !


Hi Stéphane, first the easy part. Don't worry about "and maybe add". YOUR work is YOURS. Check the screenshot. As of "I don't have time ... to integrate", simply add my work to yours, with or without adding "missTell" as one of the contributors. CDE went open source in 2002 and those the wallpapers too. Once you get them, feel free to open another GitHub project site and add them. If I ever 'fish out' some more, you'll find them here. The issue is only, there are 28 wallpapers in 37 colors, and they need to be restored one by one, pixel by pixel. Icons... The answer is, it depends on the use-case. If you want an icon-set which works in all cases and for all, then all of the icons must be inside the icon-set, and properly named, so that the applications can find them. Since my use-case was "use the existing icons without changing them if possible AND only to get ice_ux working", I did use the mix of both (three) of above. A typo when you rename the icon is sometimes enough to prevent the application from starting. As you can see on the screenshot, in the case of Exaile. I did 'eliminate' folder-opened, as it was wrong -- the CDE didn't show every folder as an open folder. I renamed all of your arrows, and added approx. four times as many new ones, and then I made all new set for categories and application icons from the CDE screenshots. Double-fortunate fact was that IceWM basically needs only one single folder with icons, and that it doesn't require icons larger than 32 Px, as that much the screenshots could provide. I didn't attempt to fix your arrows properly and remake them with a transparent backgrounds though, as that would mean, removing the backgrounds pixel-by-pixel on hundreds of arrows, as the arrow colors are the same as the background color. The easiest way to find out the differences between mine and your icon set is to use Meld with folder comparison feature. It'll show you the differences in a minute. Other differences will be more than obvious, as soon as you unpack the ice_ux_pro and take a peek inside. Sorry for the short answer; the proper answer you deserve would be 'a book', and already all of this what I wrote here, doesn't belong in here. That's something for e-mail or private messages, but I didn't find the way on how to do it on Pling. Screenshots: | | | Download:


Hello, well I try to understand how to change icons in the menu and I don't manage to do it. Did you create a special iconset for icewm so you can put the icons in ~/.icewm/icons or did you use an user defined Iconpath ? Did you use .png icons or .xpm ? I guess the bitmaps icons from CDE which are .pm can be renamed as .xpm... Just a suggestion, maybe it could be of use to publish separated packages for icons and backdrops in LGPL2.0 licence as the CDE project is, and to credit the CDE project. I don't have time enough to integrate your work into mine, so feel free to fork and publish your own work, and maybe add a little word for me and the previous contributors like Alexander Voigt for the previous Mwm theme and Andrew Enyart for the CDE iconset I have adapted to use with Gtk apps. Best regards, Stéphane


Hello MissTell, nice work on the menu colors and the icons, even in your menu there are CDE icons. Good idea for the start menu icon. I'm working less on the theme now, maybe some icons can be found from a real CDE install directory, these may be pixmaps. For the navigating arrows, I thought that simple black triangles could do the job. I should work with whatever colors the gtk theme is. Unfortunately after an upgrade, CDE stopped working on my PC, but the ice-CDE is still ok, so I go on with it. I have added some line at the end of my ~/.icewm/keys file - I found them on the internet - and it allows some interesting shapes (for example half right screen, half bottom screen, quarter top right screen and so on...) for the windows using Ctrl Alt numeric keypad arrows :


Hi Stéphane, as of menu color, this is what I consider the "real" CDE menu color, because CDE had 3 different menu colors. On right-click on desktop, it was in gray tones, inside file manager and applications, it was in blue tones, and on the dock, it was 'orange'. What would be the "real" color of start menu button is hard to say when there was never one, but I suppose, it would be one of the 4 pager colors, or the gray found on the dock, and so I made the start menu button in all those colors. Not only my menu has CDE icons, but also most of the applications, and those are real CDE icons! I only reused a couple of yours, but basically, all of those on my screenshots were freshly made, fished out of CDE and prepared so to fit in IceWM CDE. There are some unused left too. | | Your theme was so exceptionally well-executed, that I had to change only 3 single things on it: start menu color (which can be discussed), fonts (the original CDE font was Lucida) and the wallpapers. I only added a few of those original walls, as they are not some GIF, JPG or PNG files that one could simply fish out of 'backdrops' folder, and there are many wallpapers, plus the many colors that one could apply on them, so restoring them all would be kinda 'lifelong project'. Maybe I'll dare to republish it here, if you don't mind, as that way, you also get all of those new icons and buttons, and wallpapers too, and it could surely help you, if you ever decide to continue your work on the theme. It would be also kinda pity for all the work, if it forever stays only on my own PC ...


Hello, well I try to understand how to change icons in the menu and I don't manage to do it. Did you create a special iconset for icewm so you can put the icons in ~/.icewm/icons or did you use an user defined Iconpath ? Did you use .png icons or .xpm ? I guess the bitmaps icons from CDE which are .pm can be renamed as .xpm... Just a suggestion, maybe it could be of use to publish separated packages for icons and backdrops in LGPL2.0 licence as the CDE project is, and to credit the CDE project. I don't have time enough to integrate your work into mine, so feel free to fork and publish your own work, and maybe add a little word for me and the previous contributors like Alexander Voigt for the previous Mwm theme and Andrew Enyart for the CDE iconset I have adapted to use with Gtk apps. Best regards, Stéphane


And there is also josvanr who published two Gtk theme for CDE (default HP-UX Solaris).


Hi Stéphane, since I really (got nostalgic and) liked your theme, I took myself some time to play with it... Do you recognize your navigating arrows and stop-button in music player? Some extra icons, new start menu button and... check that CDE-volume icon on the task bar! What do you think? | | |


You may find some png in the archive to get the original root backgrounds.


Thank you, thanks for the nice screenshots.


9 I'd like even more, if it came with the original CDE wallpaper(s)! I can't resist publishing a few screenshots: Brick Wall: Sky Light: Ice in action: Motif: CDE: BTW, the background colors in CDE were: 'Background': #464d56 'Foreground': #8998aa

0 Affiliates
license LGPLv3
version 2022-11-14
downloads 24h 10
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 8

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IceWM is a stacking window manager for the X Window System graphical infrastructure, written by Marko Maček. It was written from scratch in C++ and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License. Wikipedia