An aesthetic cursor theme for Linux desktops.
Available sizes:
- 24x24
- 32x32
- 48x48
- 72x72
Available colors:
- Default white and black
- Adwaita
- Breeze
- Mix
- Nord
- Solarized
- Gruvbox
- Catppuccin
- Tokyo Night
- Rose Pine
You can use the shortcut Ctrl+F to find the desired color variant, as there are now many variants available.
Move the expanded directory to /home/user/.icons/.
If you really like the theme, you can support me on Ko-fi.
Ratings & Comments
10 Great work. I've been using the dark theme for a few months and like it allot. Simple, clean and good visibility.
Thank you! :)
10 Simpy the best. Very clean, and colorfull
I'm glad you like it!
Hi! I'm kinda new to cursors and I really like these packs, but I'm using Windows, is there any way to use these cursors on windows 10?
Hey! I don't officially provide the theme for Windows. Someone has ported the Nord version, you can search for it, but I have nothing to do with it. Or you can manually convert the cursor files using RealWorld Cursor Editor with Linux Xcursor Codec.
thank you, i will try it!
10 Finally. I've tried several different cursor themes —for years— and I couldn't find the one. This is the one. I don't see myself trying anything else. I love it.
Thank you so much!
10 I love that I never notice how much I love this cursor set. It's modern, quiet, and takes intentional effort to admire. Meaning, it is so seamlessly perfect. I never notice it. That's a good cursor in my mind. One that doesn't distract from what it's pointing at. Well done, I value your contribution to the open source community, immensely.
Thank you for your kind words! Reviews like this really motivate me to continue working on the theme.
10 10 the best
Thanks for the rating!
10 10 the best
Thank you!
10 The main cursor clicks on the top left pixel and the hand finger matches where the cursor would click. It's dumb the amount of cursors that drop the ball on those aspects for me. Thank you. Hopefully this is still around when I install an OS 2 years from now.
Thank you!
8 8 great
10 10 the best
10 These cursors are perfect!
Thank you!