Custom Kdenlive Export Profiles

Listings kdenlive mkv mp4 webm

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Kdenlive is a popular and open source non-linear video editor, developped by the KDE team. Using MLT and FFmpeg to decode and encode files, it can make use of virtually any audio or video format, that is currently supported by modern operating systems. The only restriction is entering the correct parameters.
At start, there are already dozens of ready-to-go export profiles. So, why adding another? Because I want tools that perfectly fit my desires and needs; default presets can not. Therefore, I have started to test several codecs and create my own customized profiles for Kdenlive. As I only use sRGB color range for my own work, none of them are intended for HDR sequences.


Kdenlive - MKV lossless - FFV1 / FLAC

by maxsilv

This rendering profile for Kdenlive is intended for archiving lossless and non-HDR footage, using patent-free and open codecs only (FFV1 for video and FLAC for audio). Be aware that it means huge files… gargantuan-sized!

Compared to the 'lossless/FFV1' preset from MLT, it makes adjusting chroma subsampling easy, thanks to the in-app 'quality' slider. There are three authorized values: 420 (4:2:0, with only a quarter of the chroma values), 422 (4:2:2, default with half the chroma values) and 444 (4:4:4, with full color information). Other values are unsupported.
Kdenlive Export Profiles

Kdenlive - MP4 mainstream - H264 / AAC

by maxsilv

Yet another MP4 profile for Kdenlive. For more than a decade, the combination of H264 video and AAC audio codecs was the way-to-go for media broadcast on the Internet. Considering mainstream content, it still offers a decent solution for either storage or streaming, with good overall performances.

Using the 'YouTube' preset from MLT, compression is much more aggressive for video than audio tracks. That is why I slightly decreased two values:
1. 'crf' (constant rate factor), thus increasing the visual quality;
2. 'ab' (audio bitrate), as most recording software do not make any use of such a high value anyway.

Last but not least, please note that this rendering profile is calibrated by default for high frame rate footage compliant to the PAL standard (g=25 for 50 fps). For other frame rates, feel free to play with the in-app 'quality' slider to make sure that the 'g' (group of pictures) value equals half the sources frame rate (i.e. g=12 for 24 fps; g=15 for 30; g=30 for 60).
Kdenlive Export Profiles

Kdenlive - WebM lossy - AV1 / Opus

by maxsilv

This rendering profile for Kdenlive opens up new perspectives for lossy and patent-free media diffusion. It combines Opus audio with the AV1 video codec. Both aim to save bandwidth and storage capacity, using up to two times better compression algorithms than their current and patented counterparts.

Yet, such achievement comes with a cost. These codecs—especially AV1—tremendously hurt performances; current hardware often suffers during the encoding phase… sometimes even in the decoding one! While waiting for compute power to grow up, tweaking the 'AV1' MLT preset remains a delicate balancing act:
1. replacing 'libaom-av1' by the 'libsvtav1' encoder, speeding up the overall process;
2. decreasing 'crf' (constant rate factor), which in exchange improves the visual quality.

Last but not least, be aware that the 'g' (group of pictures) parameter is calibrated by default for high frame rate footage compliant to the PAL standard (g=50 for 50 fps). For other frame rates, please adjust the in-app 'quality' slider to make this 'g' value equal to the sources frame rate (i.e. g=24 for 24 fps; g=30 for 30; g=60 for 60).
Kdenlive Export Profiles

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Your export profiles are the greatest and best!


Thanks for your feedback! :D


You're welcome masilv!

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