DesktopPal97 Global Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This theme lives on as a complete GTK/XFWM4 theme for XFCE: https://www.pling.com/p/2076848/
However, any contribution to keep the Plasma version alive is welcome.
"Your first-class visual companion for your personal desktop computer."
DesktopPal97 is a rebellious yet classic fantasy desktop imitating the 90s aesthetic.
It is a full-featured theme for KDE Plasma, including the Global Theme, a customized lockscreen and logout screens, a Plasma Theme, an Aurorae theme, a Kvantum theme, and an SDDM theme. Even a custom KWin Overview effect and a KWin Windowview effect are available.
DesktopPal97 takes its inspiration from the desktop GUIs from the 1990s and 2000s (e.g., KDE2), and it uses the 256-color VGA palette.
Theme details
- Global theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985239/
- Plasma theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985233/
- Color scheme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985230/
- Widget style: https://www.pling.com/p/1985234/ (Kvantum)
- Window decoration: https://www.pling.com/p/1985232/ (inspired by the KDE2 window decoration)
- SDDM: https://www.pling.com/p/1985237/
- Icon theme: RetroSmart (modified)
- Font: Noto Sans (Kubuntu default)
- Cursor theme: Simp1e Dark
- Wallpaper: Balaton (default DesktopPal97 wallpaper)
Hacks & extra customizations
- Custom KWin Overview effect: copy "overview" folder to "~/.local/share/kwin/effects"
- Custom KWin Windowview effect: copy "windowview" folder to "~/.local/share/kwin/effects"
- Firefox: force light mode. Go to "about:config" and change "ui.systemUsesDarkTheme" to 0
- To make Simp1e cursor theme available in SDDM, copy the cursor theme folder to "root/usr/share/". Go to System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) and click "Apply Plasma Settings...".
- The width of the right-side panel is 64 pixel in the screenshot.
- You might loose the shortcut of the Kickoff launcher widget when you apply the layout of the Global theme. To restore the shortcut (Meta button), go to Kickoff settings > Shortcuts > set the shortcut to Alt+F1.
However, any contribution to keep the Plasma version alive is welcome.
"Your first-class visual companion for your personal desktop computer."
DesktopPal97 is a rebellious yet classic fantasy desktop imitating the 90s aesthetic.
It is a full-featured theme for KDE Plasma, including the Global Theme, a customized lockscreen and logout screens, a Plasma Theme, an Aurorae theme, a Kvantum theme, and an SDDM theme. Even a custom KWin Overview effect and a KWin Windowview effect are available.
DesktopPal97 takes its inspiration from the desktop GUIs from the 1990s and 2000s (e.g., KDE2), and it uses the 256-color VGA palette.
Theme details
- Global theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985239/
- Plasma theme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985233/
- Color scheme: https://www.pling.com/p/1985230/
- Widget style: https://www.pling.com/p/1985234/ (Kvantum)
- Window decoration: https://www.pling.com/p/1985232/ (inspired by the KDE2 window decoration)
- SDDM: https://www.pling.com/p/1985237/
- Icon theme: RetroSmart (modified)
- Font: Noto Sans (Kubuntu default)
- Cursor theme: Simp1e Dark
- Wallpaper: Balaton (default DesktopPal97 wallpaper)
Hacks & extra customizations
- Custom KWin Overview effect: copy "overview" folder to "~/.local/share/kwin/effects"
- Custom KWin Windowview effect: copy "windowview" folder to "~/.local/share/kwin/effects"
- Firefox: force light mode. Go to "about:config" and change "ui.systemUsesDarkTheme" to 0
- To make Simp1e cursor theme available in SDDM, copy the cursor theme folder to "root/usr/share/". Go to System Settings > Startup and Shutdown > Login Screen (SDDM) and click "Apply Plasma Settings...".
- The width of the right-side panel is 64 pixel in the screenshot.
- You might loose the shortcut of the Kickoff launcher widget when you apply the layout of the Global theme. To restore the shortcut (Meta button), go to Kickoff settings > Shortcuts > set the shortcut to Alt+F1.
Ratings & Comments
10 More retro style themes please
Thank you! :) I am sorry to tell you that I switched to XFCE. It is possible that there will be themes for that desktop environment (the port of this one is under development).
when I lock screen with meta L, inputting password, then pressing enter or clicking on button does nothing. I have to switch user then log back in. please look into this or guide me towards a fix.
I am sorry to read that. Does this happen with other custom SDDM themes as well? Which Plasma version do you have installed? Unfortunately, I cannot test the latest Plasma at this moment (I switched to XFCE) but there is a file called "MainBlock.qml" in the following directory: ".local > share > plasma > look-and-feel > DesktopPal97 > contents > lockscreen". You can experiment with this file. There is a function called forceActiveFocus() that might be the key to the solution. But this is just an impression without any testing, sorry! (By the way, a DesktopPal97 GTK theme is on the way.)
its not the sddm theme thats a problem, sddm is fine. its the lockscreen or screensaver that is the problem. also commenting out forceactivefocus does nothing, the problem could be because of passwordResult function
9 so detailed, wow
Thank you very much!
10 Really great theme. It makes looking at your desktop a pleasant experience, and not just a "transportation method" to get to the web browser or other applications.
Thank you very much for your kind comment and rating!
9 9 excellent I love this retro theme! Works much better than the default KDE theme for my sense of style. One minor issue is that there is occasionally some flickering when moving around a window/something changes inside a window, but that might just be a Wayland issue.
Thank you very much for your kind comment. I'm glad you like it. I did not test it under Wayland. Did you experience similar issues with other themes (Kvantum themes, first of all)?
No problem! I'm not entirely sure if this happens under other Kvantium themes, but the flickering really only starts if there's an application that takes a bit to load. At the same time, this might just be an issue with OpenSUSE/the VM that I'm running this theme from. In the future, I plan on installing EndeavorOS with this theme as my main one, so I might be able to figure out if is just a one-off issue. I'm not really experienced with installing these custom themes, but getting this one to work went pretty well regardless.
10 This looks absolutely beautiful, but... I'm a total noob at installing a custom theme. I tried installing it but some of the features do not work correctly, like I have none of the special icons except for the doggie. If you don't mind taking the time to explain it to me like the complete noob I am from the very first step. Literally all I know is I'm running a KDE Plasma DE from there I have never customized my desktop. I'll leave a ten just because it looks perfect when fully functional!
Thank you very much for your kind comments! Icons are not mine, they're from a package which is a modification of the Haiku OS icons. I am using this repository: https://github.com/mdomlop/retrosmart-icon-theme The author of the icon theme provides DEB and AUR packages. See the README.md file for installation instructions. I know it is not the simplest way but I hope this helps. Let me know if you get stuck.
10 10 the best
Thank you! :)
10 The most intriguing theme I've seen thus far. The icons really sell it.
Thank you very much!
Absolutely LOVE this!! Anybody have a good recommendation for a GTK theme to pair this with for those pesky non kde apps?
Thank you very much for your kind words! I have been experimenting with different GTK themes. To be honest, I could not find a proper one, the default Breeze theme is still the best. There are a few that allow generating different color schemes, e.g., https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1309837/ or https://www.pling.com/p/1864861/ (these are quite nice but still don't fit DesktopPal97 that well).
I'll try breeze. The second one you mentioned is the one I'm using currently and you're right. It's nice but it doesn't exactly fit in. I've changed my theme so many times that I don't even remember what default looks like.
Hi, a GTK theme for XFCE is in the making, you can check it out there: https://www.reddit.com/r/xfce/comments/15ran2r/preview_desktoppal97_theme_for_xfce_a_rebellious/
The new GTK port is available there: https://www.pling.com/p/2076848/
Thank you! :)