Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

Based on Oxygen, Adwaita and others, see the file licenses.yml in the downloaded archive or the source code for details

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Available as/for:gnome
# Oxylite Icons

Oxylite-icons is a icon theme which implements skeuomorphic icons with
modern SVG technology.

It is based on Oxygen, Adwaita and others.
Currently, this icon theme is tested on Gnome and works best on
HiDPI monitors.

## PNG version

The `oxylite-png` version of this theme uses pre-rendered PNGs for use on
systems that so not support all required SVG features, like KDE Plasma 5.

## License

The whole icon theme is license under the GPLv3.
Individual icons may have a different compatible license, see `licenses.yml`
for details. Referenced licenses in this file are in SPDX format.
See for the full license texts.

This icon theme is a standalone project not affiliated with any of the
applications shown in some icons. All trademarks belong to their
respective owners.
Last changelog:


* Added some symlinks for Gnome 47 icons.
* Add various other new icons.
* Add more symlinks for better compatibility.

Ratings & Comments



10 Old Shool Icontheme, YEAhhhh


10 Very beautiful skeuomorphic icons!


10 When you look at the most downloaded icons from within Kubuntu, they are amazingly awful. I believe that Oxylite Icons are far better than the rest by a large margin. Why these icons are not at the top of the list (and get the most votes) is beyond me. These icons are different enough to easily differentiate to what you are clicking on which is what users want and their artistic value or look. The buzz word being used is “skeuomorphic” which is used to describe computer interface objects that mimic their real-world counterparts in how they appear, like an trashcan icon. These icons do just that. I have yet to click on the wrong icon because I confused it for another making these more productive than other icons. And lastly I appreciate these icons for their artistic quality and beauty. I have used every icon style that was available for Kubuntu and went back and forth but I’ve always came back to the Oxylite icons because they were easier to use, instantly recognizable and beautiful.


Please Kdrive and Dropbox icons


9 Very clear and bright. In Debian icon for Software center and Updater are same.


8 Really great theme, however the icon isn't changing for the flatpak versions of Google Chrome and Firefox. I would also like to suggest the addition of new icons for Discord, Lutris and Steam, they would most definitely look amazing.


Skeuomorph is alive!


10 It is very nice to see an icon set that is not the typical flat and bland icon set.


10 This should be getting many more votes - and downloads. Now that icon themes like Oxygen have effectively been abandoned, projects like this one are sorely needed for those of use who prefer skeuomorphic icons.


10 Amazing! Skeuomorphism!!! thanks


Great ! THANKS .


10 Thank you for this excellent icon theme!


9 Very nice. I love these retro icons, being all done in svg is even better! Dont understand the lower ratings down here.


9 Hi! I love that you've decided to update Oxygen to support many more icons. :) There are a few things that I would love to see improved: First thing is that currently the library that Plasma uses to render SVG does not implement masks, so all icons that include them are not correctly displayed (for example all shadows in top right corner of mimetypes). This does not happen on other desktops. And also I would have some requests: differentiate OpenDocument mimes (odt, ods, etc.) from Microsoft's (doc, docx, xls, xlsx, etc.). Also, at least on Dolphin, the icons for icon view, compact view and detailed view look the same. By the way, I myself have been creating an extension of Oxygen, which I haven't published here yet: OwTwo, the repo is here:


Thank you for your feedback. It's a bummer that Plasma no loner supports rendering masks as they were intensively used by the original Oxygen theme to create skeuomorphic effects. Different icons for OpenDocument and Microsoft Office icons are already in the theme. I guess Plasma does not find one of them and falls back to the other type. This should be easily fixable by adding symlinks once the icon name Plasma expects is known. Do you know which icon variant it uses in your case? The same solution should work for the Dolphin view modes.


You're right, there are actual different icons. Well, in my theme I have the following icons for Word and OpenDocument: MS Word: mimetypes/application-msword-template.svg mimetypes/application-msword.svg mimetypes/ mimetypes/ mimetypes/application-vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document.svg OpenDocument (LibreOffice etc) mimetypes/application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template.svg mimetypes/application-vnd.oasis.opendocument.text.svg mimetypes/libreoffice-oasis-text-template.svg mimetypes/libreoffice-oasis-text.svg mimetypes/libreoffice-text-template.svg mimetypes/libreoffice-text.svg For Excel and Calc, PowerPoint and Impress, etc., the thing is similar (but not exactly equivalent).


I can't reproduce this issue on Suse Tumbleweed KDE. Nevertheless, I added some more symlinks I found in the breeze theme to my theme (currently only on github).


There is now a PNG version of this theme that do not have the rendering issues on KDE Plasma.


10 Liked it's skeuomorphic vibe!!


10 Very beautiful.THANKS for maintaining a skeuomorphic theme in life.

0 Affiliates
license GPLv3
version 1.1.4
downloads 24h 17
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 33

Other Full Icon Themes:

Neon Icon By Rock
last update date: 16 years ago

Score 4.3

last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

Kicker Icon
last update date: 17 years ago

Score 5.0

Kicker PurpleLight
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 4.7

Anime Icons Beta
last update date: 18 years ago

Score 5.7

Kicker Bronz
last update date: 19 years ago

Score 5.0

An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.