GitHub Light Colorblind
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Abdulkaiz Khatri
GitHub Light Tritanopia Colorscheme for Konsole
This project operates under the concept of sponsorware. Future releases are contingent upon achieving the author's sponsorship goal. To contribute and support the author, visit GitHub Sponsorship page.
The colorscheme remains up-to-date with the latest GitHub color updates and is generated using the primer palettes.
For more terminal themes, explore the github-theme-contrib repository. For a Neovim theme, check out github-nvim-theme.
Join the live stream on Twitch for an interactive experience.
Screenshot Details:
- KDE Theme: Lightly
- Monospaced Font: IsovekaTerm Nerd Font Mono
- Wallpaper: Vivid Blurred Colorful Wallpaper
This project is developed under the 'MIT' License. Your support and contributions are invaluable to sustain its continued development. Last changelog:
This project operates under the concept of sponsorware. Future releases are contingent upon achieving the author's sponsorship goal. To contribute and support the author, visit GitHub Sponsorship page.
The colorscheme remains up-to-date with the latest GitHub color updates and is generated using the primer palettes.
For more terminal themes, explore the github-theme-contrib repository. For a Neovim theme, check out github-nvim-theme.
Join the live stream on Twitch for an interactive experience.
Screenshot Details:
- KDE Theme: Lightly
- Monospaced Font: IsovekaTerm Nerd Font Mono
- Wallpaper: Vivid Blurred Colorful Wallpaper
This project is developed under the 'MIT' License. Your support and contributions are invaluable to sustain its continued development.
- Fixed Foreground Colors
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