Ohtli Dark
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
panel improvements
More Global Themes (Plasma 6) from zayronXIO:
Other Global Themes (Plasma 6):
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Ratings & Comments
Hey, this is an outstanding theme overall. But it seems to be causing an issue with gaps on the vertical screen edges, and between snapped windows, when using either the Quick Tile shortcuts, or snapping to edges with the mouse, or the Shift Drag "tiling" method. I verified by letting Breeze Dark change the Window Decorations Style, and the gaps went away. The gaps are independent of the "Padding" setting in the top-right corner of the Tiling Editor (Meta T). I would file an issue but couldn't find a link to a repo. Thanks!
It's an awesome theme, we can only hope you can improve it as plasma 6 progresses.
Of course, it will continue to improve, there are more and more widgets ported to Plasma 6, and more options to achieve better imitations
I'm hoping the icon pack you use gets updated, some icons look nothing like macOS, especially browser icons, Brave/ Chrome/ Firefox look nothing like macOS, the icons almost look like they are in standard definitions as apposed to high def.
The icons you mention are in the pack, and the definition is excellent, it is likely that you have snap versions that do not follow the icon pack, can you provide me with a screenshot?
10 Love it <3
Thanks for fixing the problem, it works now, but there are some problems. Some of the icons do not load, and the glitch in the Edge of the panel doesn't fit Right there's some gaps, wish you found the problem , but so far it works well. wiating more update's <3
can't install it on arch kde plasma 6 ,,, error missing package metadata
Found the error. user-trash-symbolic.svg is incorrect
10 Finally my beloved theme is in KDE 6 ;-) Thanks for your work. I found a small error. Maybe it's the plasmoid. The empty trash bin displays an incorrect icon. Maybe you could also create icons for the Office from Softmaker. Otherwise again. Very good. Thanks
error while try install it via global theme : Installation of /tmp/tYqurj-Apple.Ventura.Dark.P6.tar.xz failed: Package plugin id not specified: /tmp/tYqurj-Apple.Ventura.Dark.P6.tar.xz
It was already solved