Hermes Ram Plasma 6
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Ratings & Comments
3 do not display my ram usage
I'm sorry for the delay, it's already been fixed.
7 In my version, I had to change the following line: property string command: 'bash $HOME/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/' this: property string command: "echo $(free -m -h -t | grep T | awk '{usage=($3*100)/$2} END {print usage}')" And for regions which use a comma for decimals, I had to change this line: text: ((porcntRam.text).substring(0, 2)).replace(/\.{1}/g, "") "%" this: text: ((porcntRam.text).substring(0, 2)).replace(/\.{1}/g, "").replace(/\,{1}/g, "") "%" Other than that, very nice.
I'm sorry for not having answered before, some changes have already been made that will avoid this error you are talking about, thank you for having provided a solution for that version, this new version uses a different method and it is no longer necessary to modify the line you are talking about