Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
simple service menu
this combines all my services menus i created plus more into one service menu
ubuntu and debian only
since i Create a taskbar i use on my distributions
based on debian ubuntu and arch kde under the name claudemods
i had an issue on plasma 6 arch with my applications menu on plasma 6 dev it removes reboot and shutdown buttons
so i added these simple and easy service buttons to work with dolphins file manager
please note i cannot get options to be in a set order
v1.04.2 Release 03-02-2025
fixes for scripts
new all in one .zip simply unzip to your needed location for plasma 5 and 6
more information below
v1.04.1 Released12/08/2024
fixed reboot functionality
new features added are:
1: added dark green colour to pacman package updater script
2: also theres a new option to clear the package cache after updating
3: now theirs a red process bar for the clearing cache function
4: added dark green colour to clear cache script and process bar
5: fixed the reboot script you can now reboot at ease
please download new .desktop and menuaddons.tar.gz
both are v1.04.1
v1.04 released 12/08/2024
new .desktop option
you can not wipe partitions with gparted
you will need gparted installed
Attention: please read up about root and system files before changing things, with this add-on !!
How to install:
- Dolphin -> Preferences -> Services -> Download New Services...
For kde5
- move the downloaded ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop file to
~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus (create the folder if it's missing)
Also use right click on the file > Properties > Permissions >
And mark the checkbox next to the text "Is executable".
uncompress menuaddons.tar.gz into ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus
or use $ chmod +x on all the script files extracted
For kde6
- move the downloaded/ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop file to
~/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/ (create the folder if it's missing)
Also use right click on the file > Properties > Permissions >
And mark the checkbox next to the text "Is executable".
or use $ chmod +x ./ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop
uncompress menuaddons.tar.gz into ~/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/
or use $ chmod +x on all the script files extracted
If you like what I'm doing and want to support me to improve, please consider donating.
Buy me a 🍕🥧 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/claudemods?country.x=GB&locale Last changelog:
simple service menu
this combines all my services menus i created plus more into one service menu
ubuntu and debian only
since i Create a taskbar i use on my distributions
based on debian ubuntu and arch kde under the name claudemods
i had an issue on plasma 6 arch with my applications menu on plasma 6 dev it removes reboot and shutdown buttons
so i added these simple and easy service buttons to work with dolphins file manager
please note i cannot get options to be in a set order
v1.04.2 Release 03-02-2025
fixes for scripts
new all in one .zip simply unzip to your needed location for plasma 5 and 6
more information below
v1.04.1 Released12/08/2024
fixed reboot functionality
new features added are:
1: added dark green colour to pacman package updater script
2: also theres a new option to clear the package cache after updating
3: now theirs a red process bar for the clearing cache function
4: added dark green colour to clear cache script and process bar
5: fixed the reboot script you can now reboot at ease
please download new .desktop and menuaddons.tar.gz
both are v1.04.1
v1.04 released 12/08/2024
new .desktop option
you can not wipe partitions with gparted
you will need gparted installed
Attention: please read up about root and system files before changing things, with this add-on !!
How to install:
- Dolphin -> Preferences -> Services -> Download New Services...
For kde5
- move the downloaded ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop file to
~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus (create the folder if it's missing)
Also use right click on the file > Properties > Permissions >
And mark the checkbox next to the text "Is executable".
uncompress menuaddons.tar.gz into ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus
or use $ chmod +x on all the script files extracted
For kde6
- move the downloaded/ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop file to
~/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/ (create the folder if it's missing)
Also use right click on the file > Properties > Permissions >
And mark the checkbox next to the text "Is executable".
or use $ chmod +x ./ServiceMenus4Dolphin.desktop
uncompress menuaddons.tar.gz into ~/.local/share/kio/servicemenus/
or use $ chmod +x on all the script files extracted
If you like what I'm doing and want to support me to improve, please consider donating.
Buy me a 🍕🥧 https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/claudemods?country.x=GB&locale
v1.04.2 Release 03-02-2025
fixes for scripts
new all in one .zip simply unzip to your needed location for plasma 5 and 6
more information below
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