Description: 1920x1080 Works with all under widescreens
Please note: With admin mode entered copy the extracted proStyle folder into /usr/share/slim/themes then, change theme name on /etc/slim.conf (open with leafpad) You can locate almost on the end the current theme name... change for proStyle Save the file...
You can put any backgrounds with blur effect
For better visual results its better to set the normal background as desktop background.
SLiM Display Manager is a simple login manager which, because of its simplicity, makes it much faster than normal login managers that are loaded with lots of settings.
Extract and move the themes in the following path: /usr/share/slim/themes
edit /etc/slim.conf: find "current_theme" and change the name of the theme that is in use to the name of the theme you want to use. for example: "current_theme ChromeOS" or "current_theme ChromeOS-Material"
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