Available as/for:gtk2gtk3-20gtk3-22gtk3-24gtk4-0gtk4-2gtk4-4gtk4-6
Description:TwoStepsBack is a Gtk 2, 3 and 4 theme with the NeXTSTEP look. It's a trivial unification of the themes GTK-GNUstep (gtk2), WMStep (gtk3) and OneStepBack (gtk4), all GPL open sources. I only made a few modifications for a better match. Don't expect any spectacular results. I don't think I'll go any further, but who knows ?
- Unzip the archive in ~/.local/share/themes
- Add in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 : gtk-theme-name = "TwoStepsBack"
- Add in ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile : export GTK_THEME="TwoStepsBack"
- Launch in a terminal : gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'TwoStepsBack'
- QT applications : install qt5-styleplugins, qt5ct, qt6gtk2 and qt6ct, launch qt5ct and qt6ct and configure them to use the styles gtk2 and qt6gtk2.
- You will probably need to restart your window manager or X session.
If you use a native window manager instead of gnome-shell, you might want to always display a titlebar for the Gnome applications using the infamous Client-Side Decorations. In this case, you may want to remove an occurrence of the Close, Maximize, and Minimize buttons that otherwise appear duplicates. To do this, insert in ~/config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini and ~/config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini : gtk-decoration-layout= (blank after the equal sign). Templates of these files are provided in the directory for-configuration in the main directory.
The result with gnome-shell and mutter is bad because of the difficulty to obtain consistency for the headerbar decorations across the different versions of gtk.
This is GPL free software, of course !
- GTK-GNUstep
- WMStep
- OneStepBack
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Looks great. I do prefer the OneStepBack, though, as it is easier to work with, to modify. I changed the look of OneStep to make it appear that the light is coming from straight above instead of the upper left. Also, my colour of choice is teal/cyan (#00xxxx). I've tried to upload it to pling.com, but Just can't seem to do it.