Available as/for:appimagedesktoprelease-betasource-packagex86-64
Description: claudemods-qt6terminal v2.0.14
v2.0.16 new terminal scripts added do not confuse the .zip with my other application on this pling store
v2.0.15 since torpedo is my system for alpine and this wont work on alpine so im changing it to Mustang Terminal ive tested it and commands work on all systems ive updated the text shown also it will ask for sudo upon opening the app updated photos provided also
v2.0.14 renamed to Torpedo Terminal this is for arch plasma 6.1.4 package and update commands now work removed execute button and changed to reset watch my video showcasing the terminal on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymLpQvtcU5I
v2.0.12 update new functions are new appimage of my qt6 terminal 1: alot of improvements for commands to make it univeral to arch debian and ubuntu and dnf 2 : new way of changing themes 3: delete pacman .lck button 4: automatic push enter for commads to execute
bash history is broken i will fix this in next update i may make the .lck feature universal in next update all has been test and works otherwise
5 named themes to choose from check photosLast changelog:
new terminal scripts button added claudemods terminal scripts from my system app please extract new .zip to /opt for new .desktop to work for terminal
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added new photos for new button layout