Because it uses a separate config file, the consequence is of course the use of more memory, but I think for large RAM this has no effect at all.
you can change the tile model and also their position as you wish, because that is the main purpose. for the default position of the theme tiles and also how to arrange them you can visit this link
and for installation as usual visit How to apply, if there is an error please read it again.
Since there are limitations to API calls from openweather, I suggest creating your own api_key and then overwrite the one in or to avoid error (appears Null ),You can create it for free at Openweathermap
Check out my profile for other cool conky themes for your desktop...
Calendar is use ncal,please install if it not appear thanks to codius for the report
For the tile with event notification visit How to set up Calendar event.
For GNOME users ( or KDE ), if there is a problem with the background image (PNG) that looks faded or transparent, please change it in this config
draw_blended = false,
own_window_argb_visual = false,
own_window_transparent = true,
Try experimenting with replacing it with true or false, if suddenly Conky doesn't appear don't panic, just undo and restart Conky
Check out my most downloaded themes :
1) Mimosa Dark - Conky theme
2) Regulus Dark - Conky theme
3) Alterf - Conky theme
4) Antares - Conky theme
5) Sirius - Conky theme
6) Mimosa Dark ( Calendar version ) - Conky theme
Please feel free to use the themes I created for personal use or for desktop ricing tutorials on YouTube (or others), but if you want to donate to buy coffee or snacks, I would really appreciate it.
via PayPal or Buy me a coffee
Lua script from ( and I was really helped by their scripts )
Ringsmeter : londonali1010
Bargraph : wlourf
Mini Clock : easysid
Text Widget : wlourf
Note :
- Created on 1366x768 Monitor, maybe if applied on a wide screen it will look too small
- Wallpaper selection can affect the appearance of the theme
- I've only tried it on Ubuntu with XFCE and Openbox DE, and everything works flawlessly, It could be that for other DEs / Linux Distribution there are different configurations in the theme / dependency, please try it yourself because I can't try it on all DEs.
Ratings & Comments
Everything else works fine, but the calendar is blank.
maybe can you show me which theme number is not showing the calendar? maybe you haven't installed the fantasque font, or maybe you haven't updated the cache?
Thanks for answering me. I have installed all the fonts, but the date 1 to 30 is blank, and the rest works normally.