Backup to ZIP
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
There are some options:
- Save with compression or without.
- Save in the current folder or in a predefined backupdirectory
(changeable in /usr/bin/backup_to_zip)
German, English, French, Spanish and Czech.
If you like to translate it - you are welcome! Do it and send me then the files.
The installation should be done as root!
1. Copy the file backup_als_zip.desktop into the folder /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus (or to where your KDE-servicemenus are)
2. Open the folder with your prefered language and copy the file Backup_to_zip into the folder /usr/bin.
3. Open the copied file and set the path to your Backupdirectory (which has to exist!).
The program should afterwards be shown in the Contexmenu of the Konqueror under
0.5a (1. May 2006):
- Spanish translation added (thanks to Alejandro Cámara Iglesias)
0.5 (30. April 2006):
- Changed Answers of last question
- Shows now the diskusage of the backupdirectory
- (Not all texts are translated into all languages. If you could translate them, please write me)
0.4a (02. April 2006):
- Czech translation added (thanks to Petr Uzel)
0.4 (31. March 2006):
- Renamed to BACKUP_TO_ZIP
- Uses now graphical interfaces (kdialog)
- Option to change the name of the backup, if more than one file is selected
- Creates a LOG-file
- More entries in contexmenu
- Repaired bug with spaces in path
- French language added (thanks to Vincent Gay)
0.3 (02. August 2005):
- Repaired bad filenames on english KDE's
- Files are now stored without leading path
- Works now on english kde's (testet on english kde 3.1)
- English translation added
0.1 (10. May 05):
- First publication of this script
Ratings & Comments
This a very use tool. Thank you so much. I'm going to add it to the Ark Linux k-servicemenu collection. Check Ark out, its an interesting project.
Have to modify a bit to make it work. (.sh file) Beeps was almost useless for me so I just commented out the line. then I had problems with the date command, I changed date +'%x_%k-%M-%S' to date +'%F_%k-%M-%S' since %x option showed me time in dd/mm/yyyy format,with char "/" that I can't use in filenames. Now I just need to figure how to make zip files (here) without adding previous path (eg: if here is /home/user1 , don't have /home/user1 folder memorized in zips)
Hello mattepiu Have a look to the new version! Now it should create allowed filenames on english KDE's and the files are stored without leading paths. Because I could'nt test it on an english KDE, could you do it for me?
For some reason it still doesn't work. I gave it execute right and when i right click it does show up in the actions menu but for some reason it opens a konsole and does nothing.
hm... is there any text in the console? (The script has to start the console, so thats ok. But then, it should start the script...) I assume, you replaced both files? backup_als_zip.desktop AND backup_als_zip.sh (from the folder EN)? the script uses only the apps zip and beep. Have you them installed? Or it could be that your servicemenus-folder is on another place? Please check (and modify if necessary). On my kde, it is on ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/backup_als_zip.sh (where ~/ is a link to your home) thank you for your patience!
both files are in the servicemenus folder. I have other service menus that work normally. When the konsole opens there is no text. Thew only thing there is a solid block cursor. I waited several seconds upto 30 and nothing happens.
can you copy the shell-script (backup_als_zip.sh) into another directory (for example /tmp ) ? and then open a console in this directory and execute ./backup_als_zip.sh 0 h ./ ./backup_als_zip.sh and send me the Output of the script? ---------------- One thing, I think, that could be the problem: The Kontexmenu starts the Terminal konsole, which has to be installed.
i cpoied it to /tmp and ran the command as you said. Here is the output: ============================================================================ =============== Create Backup as ZIP-File [Version 0.2] ==================== ================== Copyright 2005 by George Ruinelli ======================= ======================= Updates: www.ruinelli.ch =========================== ============================================================================ - files/folders to safe: 1 - archive is created in: .// - archiv-name: .//./backup_als_zip.sh_(05/19/2005_20-37-26).zip - no compression ============================================================================ archiving starts now... zip I/O error: No such file or directory zip error: Could not create output file (.//./backup_als_zip.sh_(05/19/2005_20-37-26).zip) ============================================================================ ATTENTION there was an error, the scripts will stop now! please see to above error message! ============================================================================ (press enter to exit...) ./backup_als_zip.sh: line 98: beep: command not found
Hmm, I realy dont't know why it doesn't work :( My Script starts good, but then the zip-command has a problem. Can you test, if the zip-command is the problem? try to start: zip -0 -v -r ./archiv.zip ./backup_als_zip.sh (again in /tmp). If you again get an error, then it's not a failur of my program :| the warning about the missing program beep should not be a problem.
just change the date format as in my next post, that's the I/O error (%x gives "/" character wich isn't usable in filenames)
The Code is not in English. Please use english. I also get an Error. /../servicemenus/backup_als_zip.desktop has an invalid menu entry. zip1. It then repeats error about 4 or 5 times. I assume its because its not in english.
Its true, the code is (not yet) in english, but all other stuff is in english. I will translate the code in a view days (I hope). For your information: In the code is nothing you need to understand, its only a small log :) Can you explain your problem? Where do you get the error? And on which KDE-version? Because I have only a german KDE (Version 3.4) I can't test it under english conditions.
The errors pop-up when i right click on anything, a file, the desktop doesn't matter if i right click i get an error. Removing this backup as zip i no longer get any errors when i right click. Im using Kubuntu 5.04 Hoary Distro with KDE 3.4
The new version (0.2) now works on engish kde's. I too translated the script to english