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Description: is a KDE service menu for

To install:

1) Either:
- For per user installs, copy and to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus (KDE 3.x) or $HOME/.kde4/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/ (KDE 4.x)
- For global all users installs, copy to somewhere in your $PATH (for example /usr/bin) and to the global servicemenus directory /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus (KDE 3.x) or /usr/share/services/ServiceMenus/ (KDE 4.x) and remove the explicit path references from ($HOME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/
2) Make sure is executable (chmod u+x $HOME/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/ in the case of a per user install) only makes use of a config file in $HOME/.kde/share/config/del.icio.usrc to store your username and password if you haven't enabled KWalletD. Either way, it will prompt you for your username and password the first time you use it from the context sensitive Actions menu.

Note, makes use of the Perl HTML, URI and LWP modules installed (liburi-perl, libhtml-parser-perl and libwww-perl packages under GNU/Debian).

The latest version of can always be found at
Last changelog:

3.0 - 3.1

* Fixed cookie handling after changed the cookie name

2.6 - 3.0

* Now works with (*puke*)

2.5 - 2.6

* Completed KDE 4.0 support?

2.4 - 2.5

* Fixed minor bug to improve encoding support

2.3 - 2.4

* Further refactoring of
* Now supports storing credentials in using KWalletD if enabled. Usernames and passwords are stored in the main wallet in the Passwords area (DCOP does not expose from Data credentials via its shell interface )

2.2 - 2.3

* Now authenticates and stores the resultant cookie in KCookieJar

2.1 - 2.2

* Now calls external commands in a safe manner to prevent theoretical command injection
* Refactored
* Fixed minor bug to uri_escape curtesy of David Roberts

2.0 - 2.1

* Updated Italian translations curtesy of Giacomo Lacava
* Now closes Konqueror tab after URL has been bookmarked
* Modified HTTP agent string
* Now uses KDE proxy settings if set, else attempt to use standard environment variables

1.9 - 2.0

* Refactoring of configuration code, now prompts for username on first execution and allows reconfiguration, thanks to Robert Gr�nning for the .no translations

1.8 - 1.9

* Fixed minor bug to, whilst testing on KDE 4.0

1.7 - 1.8

* Fixed minor bug to bookmark method, brought about by changes to API

1.6 - 1.7

* Added rudimentary translations into Spanish, German, French and Italian
* Included Norwegian translations of text strings curtesy of Robert Gr�nning

1.5 - 1.6

* Now uses proxy environment variables if set
* Modified HTTP agent string
* Modified error handling code
* Added trailing exit call

1.4 - 1.5

* Updated text strings in action menu
* Menu option to display personal network

1.3 - 1.4

* Integrated patch from Robert Cunningham which causes previously used tags to be displayed
* Fixed minor bug to agent version

1.2 - 1.3

* Fixed minor bug to documentation
* Fixed minor bug to uri_escape patch

1.1 - 1.2

* Fixed minor bugs to documentation
* Rewritten install notes are more clear
* Fixed minor bug to allow perl to be run in strict mode
* Integrated uri_escape patch from Pat Cito

0.5 - 1.1

* Integrated patches from Jakob Flierl and Narcis Tesa
* Service menu items now use KDE bookmark icons
* Service menu items now uses the current Konqueror window
* Install note above is corrected to reference
* Password setting has been removed, since it was identified as being unnecessary assuming a valid cookie

0.4 - 0.5

* Security patch based on report from Simon Morgan , 0.4 and previous authenticate with via GET requests, which can lead to URLs containing username and password combinations being sent in the Referer HTTP header when users click on links from the bookmarks page

0.3 - 0.4

* Based on a patch/suggestion from Pete Jewell , the extended description is now populated based on the description within the web page headers

0.2 - 0.3

* Menu options to display personal bookmarks, popular bookmarks, and personal inbox

0.1 - 0.2

* Opens new Konqueror tab if possible
* Automatically authenticates with

Ratings & Comments



A shame that you gave up on working on konqilicious. Any plans about kde4? Regards,

timb doesn't currently work on KDE 4.x as reported by some kUbuntu folk. I haven't yet migrated to KDE 4.x on my Debian boxes, so I can't debug the issue at this time. If anyone wants to send me a patch to resolve this problem, that would be great otherwise you'll have to wait till KDE 4.x hits unstable.


Hi! I can't use it... it gives me the "konqueror not available" error... i'm kind of new, but i've tried a lot of different configurations... no use... is there any thing i could do? (kubuntu 8.10) thank's


hi all did someone try this with kubuntu 8.1 / kde4.1? I installed it localy but don't get anything in the kontext menu. The actions option dosn't apear at all. Any idea? grz nos


The + character isn't properly escaped for page titles (and possibly for the notes field as this isn't escaped either, but I haven't encountered it yet) e.g. bookmarking results in the description field reading "C - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia". This can be fixed by adding two calls to uri_escape to line 101 like so: exec("dcop konqueror-" . getppid() . " konqueror-mainwindow#1 newTab \"" . $username . "?url=" . uri_escape($bookmarkurl) . "&title=" . uri_escape($pagecontent->title) . "&notes=" . uri_escape(HTML::HeadParser->new($pagecontent)->header("x-meta-description")) . "&jump=close\""); Otherwise, this is a great utility - thankyou.


The latest version in CVS has this patch applied (+ some other changes). I will release it shortly.


... I hate Perl with a passion ;) so I rewrote it in python and uploaded it as "pykeylicious". I linked to this app in the description, because I'd never have done it without looking at your script. This also gave me the idea for lots of other improvements I could add in this way. Thanks for your great work.


Great :) Whilst I don't like to see the wheel reinvented, I'm glad I inspired you. Actually, you also inspired me, see the 2.0 release for more details.


I use the GNOME desktop but I have Konqueror installed too. My filepath was /usr/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus. Also, in the .desktop file, I had to change it to that filepath too. Then it worked like a charm. Thanks!


Good tip, my install details are for a local installation but yes, your directions will work if you wish to install it globally.


rudd-o@karen:~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus$ ./ bookmark object not accessible what is going on?


It doesn't work from the command line since it attempts to talk to its parent process (which it assumed will be Konqueror) using DCOP. I suppose I could add a patch around that so that it can also be used from the command line if people think that this would be useful?


installed latest version according to INSTALL file. no action for appears in the menus. kde 3.5.7, ubuntu gutsy. kde 4 installed as an option (its fun to play), but only logging into kde 3.5. suggestions?


Can you be a bit more specific as to what you're doing... maybe send me a screen shot or something ( I run KDE 3.5.7 on Debian and it works just fine.


info emailed your way:)


I think I may have manged to reproduce and fix this bug, I will be making another release shortly if you care to give it a spin.


I don't know If I have a problem with the encoding on my computer but I had to edit the .desktop file because it was displaying a weird symbol for those special characters like in "página" for the spanish translation anyway nice stuff.


An error occurred while loading Unknown host


Seems okay here, can you retry the link?


You must have been down the other night when I tried it (several times). It works now. Thanks.


Thank you for the fast help. Now with the 1.8 version it works. Thanks again.


Everything works, except add bookmark. I added my username: $methodname = shift; # set the username $username = "michaelsd"; if ($methodname eq "bookmark") { If I use the add bookmark from the menu nothing happens. Any ideas?


Looks like you're suffering from the same problem as Declan (see above). I will post a patched version tonight.


Sorry for the double post. I will test the patch, thanks.


Everything works, except add bookmark. I added my username: $methodname = shift; # set the username $username = "michaelsd"; if ($methodname eq "bookmark") { If I use the add bookmark from the menu nothing happens. Any ideas?

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version 3.1
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