Open Konqueror as Root


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Add an action to Konqueror allowing to open directories as root.

To install, copy the file to your ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus directory.

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you can already fish://root@localhost


Fish is very inefficient. Especially for the kind of things root would probably want to do with a file manager. More importantly, you should have root logins (especially over remote protocols like ssh) disabled for security reasons unless you REALLY need it for some specific task.


I usually do not use to respond to theses comments. But when I saw yours I immediately put an answer to you ! Theses comments zones are good places to developpe solids opinions and so we MUST let the freedom of speech exist. But the freedom of speech ENDS when the free DIFAMATION and CHEAP TALKING BEGIN. First at all, this zone is for comments about the piece of work brought to use by Chri7mas and not about SSH. If you have some negative kind experience about ssh the have a place in order to give to your opinion the correct following. Second, it is not fair to make overuse of this space with mislocated comments. Third, I can understant that in YOUR EXPERIENCE you was not able to use openSSH (or SSH) with the security level that you wished. But that it is true ONLY IN YOUR EXPERIENCE. In mine, as for Jon Lasser, Markus Friedl and many people, IT JUST ENOUGH STRONG AND SECURE !!! Did you know that you can tunnel high encrypted flows) in the new version and use it in real time ? And ... and ... So, comming back to the Tool brought to use by Chris7mas (Open Konqueror as root), what I can say is that, I have downloaded it, I ahd it opened, adapted to my needs, and I CAN SAY that is valid tool in one more way. It is subject to enhancements, obviously, but what is not? SSH too. In its first version it was presenting some deep flaw of security. But the road rushed from the Tatu Ylonen's original version to the Markus Friedl's one is much ant turn it as solid as rock for secure accesses. It is not am opinion, it is a fact! At limit you can say you have read things about ssh insecurity but what ignoring that was about the old versions !!! Next time, before let some of your words ofends who and what does not deserve, have a enough documentation: You are free to become able to have great opinions about all waht you want. But make them fair enough. I can tell you all that, standing up by my own experience as Security Consultant. We use SSH (recent versions) and can garant that it is NOW a great and secure tool. Comming back to chris7mas, some of use use the "OPEN KONQUEROR AS ROOT" modified after by myself and we must thank chris7mas. So, I dont want to speak bad and do nothing for help to better. I give you a point of start : Read this excellent article from Jon Lasser Have nice time. Chri7mas, thank you, for your piece of work.


You are projecting. I never said anything about SSH, yet you went into a rant about it. I use SSH all the time too. Nothing wrong with it. Don't put words in my mouth, and maybe you won't find yourself so upset about things that haven't happened.


...use this one instead:

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