Add to amaroK collection
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Add to amaroK collection service menu - you can add all your music files or even directories to amaroK playlist.
You can find something similar here http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11421, but it adds only files, not the whole directories.
0.2.6 - Sunday 21 March 2004
+ Slightly changed installation script (regards Rafael Rodriguez)
+ "Add to AmaroK playlist" item translated to several languages (regards Rafael Rodriguez againg, hehe)
0.2.5 - Saturday 20 March 2004
+ Added new item - Play in AmaroK (which starts playing file immediately after adding).
+ Both actions moved to submenu "Add to amaroK"
+ Added support for most used audio formats (including m3u lists).
+ "Add to collection" renamed to "Add to playlist".
0.2 - Saturday 20 March 2004
+ Files can be added even if amaroK is not running at the moment.
+ No need to be root to install servicemenu.
0.1 - Friday 19 March 2004
Ratings & Comments
I was starting to desperate saying myself "noway!" becasue Dolphin don't have this functionality built-in neither add it Amarok when installed. Overall KDE4 is cool but lacks too much usability and is very behind GNOME at this time. Thanks to you, KDE4 is now a friendlier place, thank you! [VOTED GOOD] running on x86_64 Arch + KDE4: too fast for your eyes!
by the way, installation script no longer works at least for my (default) installation. You need to put the .desktop file in /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus
when me do the ./install.sh as a root me get the following message : [root@zion add-to-amarok-collection-0.2.6]# ./install.sh Now installing addToAmarokCollection.desktop in /root/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus cp: ne peut créer le fichier régulier `/root/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/addToAmarokCollection.desktop': No such file or directory Finished installing. what i am supose to do ?
Wow cute and brainy. Now thats my kinda girl ;)
Great work man. keep up the good work. Can u give me the link to download the icon set you have used in the screenshot.
That's a great compliment actually for a girl to be called "man" in such a man's world :)) The iconset is Graphite Rade8, you can find it here: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/graphitekde
I would like to add this desktop file to amaroK CVS, as it is a nifty idea. So it would be included in the next release. Is that ok with you?
Uh, it's ok of course! Thank you :)
Good ideas are in the air! Add to amaroK collection service menu - you can add all your music files or even directories to amaroK playlist. You can find something similar here http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=11421, but it adds only files, not the whole directories.