wget Dolphin Service Menu (KDE4 or KDE5)

Dolphin Service Menus

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Super simple context menu to download a URL in the current folder using wget. The download will start in a new konsole window so that you can monitor its progress.
Works with KDE4 or KDE5 (need to download the corresponding file).

The script can either download the last URL you copied in the clipboard, or an input kdialog window will open up for you to paste the URL (1 URL at a time is supported).

Use cases:
It's often that I have a few dolphin windows opened in different directories, and I need to download a file I found online into them (clipart for example).

When I click the "Save as" context menu on my web browser and the browse window pops up, I feel so iritated that I need to browse for the correct path (sometimes might be long nested). Usually I just download everything on my desktop, then I cut the file and paste it in one of the already opened dolphin windows.

Not anymore
With this context menu, I just copy the link, right click in/on the dir where I want it to be downloaded and it's there

Dependencies for the KDE 5 version: konsole, wget, xclip
Dependencies for the KDE 4 version: konsole, wget

How to install:
1. Download the file
2. In KDE4: cp wget.desktop $(kde4-config --localprefix)/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
In KDE5: cp wget.desktop ~/.local/share/kservices5/ServiceMenus/
3. In KDE4: kbuildsycoca4
In KDE5: kbuildsycoca5

Enjoy you new context menu when right clicking on any folder.
Last changelog:

Bug fix...

Forgot to fix the Exec commands for translations for the wgetAskForLink action in v0.1.0.

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Download the last copied URL from Klipper Name[es]=Descargar el último LRU copiado de Klipper Open a dialog and paste the URL to be downloaded Name[es]=Abrir diálogo y pegar el LRU a descargar Paste your URL to download (wget) Pegar LRU a descargar (wget)


It seems comments can't be edited. They should... Anyway, the last sntence «Paste your URL to download (wget)», I think is better translated as «Pegar LRU para descargar (wget)».


Thanks :) Just added the Spanish translation.


Name=Download the last copied URL from Klipper -> Name[ru]=Загрузить по последней скопированной в Klipper ссылке Name=Open a dialog and paste the URL to be downloaded -> Name[ru]=Открыть диалог и вставить ссылку для загрузки


Thanks for the translation. Could you please translate this text as well? > Paste your URL to download (wget)


Вставьте ссылку для скачивания (wget)


Name=Download the last copied URL from Klipper -> Name[ru]=Загрузить по последней скопированной в Klipper ссылке Name=Open a dialog and paste the URL to be downloaded -> Name[ru]=Открыть диалог и вставить ссылку для загрузки


Name=Download the last copied URL from Klipper -> Name[ru]=Загрузить по последней скопированной в Klipper ссылке Name=Open a dialog and paste the URL to be downloaded -> Name[ru]=Открыть диалог и вставить ссылку для загрузки


kbuildsycoca4(25076) parseLayoutNode: The menu spec file contains a Layout or DefaultLayout tag without the mandatory Merge tag inside. Please fix your file.


I do not see any problem with the script. Works fine on Kubuntu 14.04 64 bits with KDE SC 4.14.2. This .desktop file is very simple anyway. Are you sure the error you get is generated by this script? Try to remove "wget.desktop" file and re-run kbuildsycoca4. I created this based on the tutorial here: https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Desktop_File#Menus


Why need this command - kbuildsycoca4? I verified, Script work normal.


Just to make sure the .desktop file will be read and appear in your context menus. If you do some changes in a ".desktop" file, they are not instantly applied. As the man page of kbuildsycoca4 says: http://linux.die.net/man/8/kbuildsycoca4 > kbuildsycoca4, as part of the KDE command line tools ensures the proper operation of KDE by reading in all the .desktop, .directory, .kimgio and .protocol files to construct a binary database. > KDE itself accesses this database during operation to provide configuration information a program needs to run. > This tool is part of ksycoca4, which stands for KDE System Configuration Cache


Just to make sure the .desktop file will be read and appear in your context menus. If you do some changes in a ".desktop" file, they are not instantly applied. As the man page of kbuildsycoca4 says: http://linux.die.net/man/8/kbuildsycoca4 > kbuildsycoca4, as part of the KDE command line tools ensures the proper operation of KDE by reading in all the .desktop, .directory, .kimgio and .protocol files to construct a binary database. > KDE itself accesses this database during operation to provide configuration information a program needs to run. > This tool is part of ksycoca4, which stands for KDE System Configuration Cache


Under black rectangles - directories and partitions with child porn?


I added the German translation.


Name=Download the last copied URL from Klipper -> Name[de]=Lade die zuletzt kopierte URL herunter Name=Open a dialog and paste the URL to be downloaded -> Name[de]=Herunterzuladende URL eingeben


Could you please translate this line as well? > Paste your URL to download (wget)


Could you please translate this line as well? > Paste your URL to download (wget) You can also use this set: Herunterzuladende URL eingeben (wget)


Could you please translate this line as well? > Paste your URL to download (wget) You can also use this set: Herunterzuladende URL eingeben (wget)

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version 0.1.1
downloads 24h 1
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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