Open as user
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This servicemenu allows you to open a file as a different user.
To install, put the file in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus and restart Konqueror. Last changelog:
To install, put the file in ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus and restart Konqueror.
0.1.6: Improved pt translation
0.1.5: New translation: es
New translations: bg, de, uk
Czech translation added
Improved French translation.
Ratings & Comments
Please replace the line Name[pt] with: Name[pt]=Abrir como o utilizador...
Name[es]=Abrir como usuario...
Nifty service menu here, has some nice possibilities.
Thanks so much, this is really helpful
Why not just use kdesu?
If you look at the Exec= line you'll it is actually a wrapper around kdesu. The advantage is that this is a service menu, and you can open files as any user from Konqueror.
Name[de]=Öffnen als Benutzer ...
Name[uk]=Відкрити як інший користувач ...
Name[bg]=Отвори като друг потребител...
Very usefull! czech: Name[cs]=Otevřít jako uživatel...
Quite an useful little addition, thanks... And here are the serbian versions Name[sr-Latn]=Otvori kao drugi korisnik Name[sr-Cyrl]=Отвори као други корисник
thanks for it, would be included in kde french: Name[fr]=Ouvrir en tant qu'user different
Bad translation ! Mauvaise traduction ! "user", that's in english not in french ! (ce n'est pas du français) "different" n'a pas d'accent Name[fr]=Ouvrir comme utilisateur... C'est plus simple et correct. Simple and correct.
Name[ru]=Открыть как другой пользователь Name[lv]=Atvērt kā cits lietotājs
Name[pl]=Otwórz jako inny użytkownik
Hello! Nice Idea! Here is the menu name in portuguese, if you'd like to include it: Name[pt_BR]=Abrir como o usuário... Name[pt]=Abrir como o usuário... In order to have a more universal dialog, you could change the text "Enter a user name:" by "Login:". Thanks for this usefull app!
Thanks... Italian: Name[it]=Apri come altro utente...
Thanks both! I'll wait a little time with updating, maybe more translations will drop in this week.
Yep. Might as well be included in official KDE!
KDE does not offer servicemenu's, only some applications have them. Since this service menu does not belong to any app, I don't know how to add this to the default modules.