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!!!Important update!!

I've always thought we're all here open-minded and kind people. Seems like I was wrong.

Today I've received a letter from a man called Yassen Pavlov with the following text:

"I just wanted to let you know that I can't believe what an @*#*$ you are. You asked for the guy who was maintaining the project you abandoned to give you admin rights and you never showed up again since he did so. Not even once... Thank you very much for that. I hope you'll die from cancer."

Well thanks a lot Yassen, this is what I actually need right now being a young mom with a little kid on my hands. See now, I'm here, are you happy?

OK, now to the point. I've switched to MacOS completely and have no platform to develop and test this script. It was a good experience and it was fun. I actually did not ever expected it would be such a success. But now I have to pass it over to somebody who wants to continue this development.
Please contact me jinjiru at jinjiru dot com if you want to take this project to your hands.

Mount ISO Image is an advanced script which allows to perform multiple operations with ISO, NRG (Nero Burning ROM), UDF (DVD), CUE/BIN, CCD/IMG/SUB (CloneCD), XDVDFS (XBOX) and MDF images.
Mount/unmount operations can be performed in two different ways: using kdesu or sudo. During the installation you'll be offered to choose a variant to use.
Note: If you prefer to use sudo, you should first choose to "Setup sudo config" in installation menu.

- German (by Markus Bloch)
- Italian (by marcosegato)
- Russian (by Jinjiru)
- Serbian (by Mladen Pejaković)
- Spanish (by Javier Ariza Rodríguez & Alberto Garcia)
- Turkish (by Atilla Öntaş)

If you submit translations, please, send them within the utf-8 text file to prevent encoding mistakes! All non utf translations will not be considered!

Bugs and translations
I really need your help with translations and feature requests - please send them pejakm at gmail dot com. If you sent any translations or suggestions some time ago - please resend them!
If you find any errors please do not hesitate to report them. If you have any suggestions or want to contribute in any manner - you're always welcome!

Important Notice!!!

Since this project appears to be abandoned, administrators have gave moderation control over this project to me, pejakm. I intend to continue and to improve this script as good as I can. If the original authors decide to continue their work I will happily give them this back.
Last changelog:

0.9.5 - Thursday 3 January 2008

+ Feature: visual interaction improvement (added colors)
+ Feature: is now installed in "$PREFIX/bin" (thanks goes to Musikolo for suggestion)
+ Code cleanup, minor improvements and fixes

0.9.4 - Thursday 3 January 2008

+ Feature: data extractor (extracts installation data, ie. *.desktop files and "" script)
+ Feature: kdialog in creating images added; also added notice upon canceling image creation
+ Feature: Ability to disable notice upon successful mount, unmount and canceling image creation
+ Feature: is now installed in "$PREFIX/local/bin"
+ Turkish translation added (by Atilla í–ntaÅ&Yuml
+ Code cleanup - Monday 31 December 2007

+ German translation added (by Markus Bloch)

0.9.3 - Monday 31 December 2007

+ Feature: Added notice upon successful mount an unmount
+ Small bugfixes
+ Spanish translation added ( by Javier Ariza Rodrí­guez & Alberto Garcia)

0.9.2 - Thursday 27 December 2007

+ Feature: Mount/umount MDF images
+ Feature: Convert MDF to ISO (using 'mdf2iso' from
+ Feature: Image menus are now in top level
+ Feature: Installer message if utility not installed
+ Fix: Fixed common "file is not an iso or is corrupted" error
+ Code cleanup (removed non utf and incomplete translations (remained: Italian, Russian; added: Serbian), etc.)

0.9.1 - Sunday 16 October 2005

+ Feature: Check ISO Type
+ Code cleanup

0.9 - Monday 24 May 2004

+ Feature: Mount CUE/BIN images (using 'cdemu' from
+ Feature: Create XBOX images (using 'extract-xiso' from
+ Feature: Convert NRG images to ISO
+ Fix: Some ISO files created with WinISO have a non-standard "magic number" (thanks to Ignacio Serantes for info)
+ Fix: Menu for NRG, CUE/BIN, CloneCD images no longer suggests to "Manage *ISO*"

Ratings & Comments



Tengo Kubuntu 18.10. Instalé MountISO. No funciona y lo peor es que no se desinstala y al intentarlo queda bloqueado dolphin. Estuve mirando de desinstalarlo manualmente. Miré en las carpetas ~/.kde/share/kde4/services/, /usr/share/kde4/services/ ~/.local/share/kservices5/, /usr/share/kservices5 que son las que me salen al ejecutar kde4-config --path services y también kf5-config --path services. No me hace gracia tener algo ahí que se instaló, no funciona y se niega a ser desinstalado quedando bloqueado Dolphin. ¿Alguien me puede echar una mano?. ¿Se podría desinstalar manualmente? Gracias. Pido disculpas por no escribir en inglés. Espero que google translator o similar funcione bien.


9 TY!


I fixed it for KDE4 and made it work in both Dolphin and Konqueror. This is installed by default in Linux Mint 7 Gloria KDE Community Edition. Mountiso: CDEMU: extract-xiso:


Awesome! Thanks for fixing it for KDE 4!


I had the same install problem as others (use sudo bash to install), but I after installing, the script didn't work. I fixed it by locating and changing the first line to: Quote:

and changing line 8 from: Quote:
to: Quote:
Seems to work fine now!


k, thx, but how do i install them?


um... ok. i just found out that they work in konqueror. iso, mdf, and nrg. are they only supposed to work in konqueror? i usually use dolphin.


where can i get and how do i install the other two dependencies? i have ccd2iso and i guess i need the other stuff for the steps not to skip.


Don't blame the entire community for the words of one jerk. I've been using your script for a long time with great appreciation. I'm sad to see you leave the community. Perhaps your find your way back, One mom to another, good luck with the new baby, Pay close attention to every moment, they grow up fast, too fast.


i did what the other guy did, to get the script to install (i'm also using kubuntu hardy), but when i right click on files none of the entries show up. the terminal says: - Mount-ISO v0.9.5 (using "sudo") - Creating a folder for servicemenus: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-dir.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-cue.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-ccd.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-grb.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-nrg.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-mdf.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-emu.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-xbx.desktop: [ SKIP ] Creating a folder for associations: [ SKIP ] Installing associations (*.NRG): [ OK ] Installing associations (*.CCD): [ SKIP ] Installing associations (*.MDF): [ SKIP ] Installing associations (*.CUE): [ SKIP ] Installing [ OK ] - Thank you for using Mount-ISO! - why did it skip some stuff? and how can i get it to work? btw, this sounds like a really great idea, i have furius iso, but this seams a lot easier. GREAT JOB!


oh, finally, thank you someone for replying! ok, that makes sense, and in synaptic i got "ccd2iso", but the other 2 don't show up. i retried the install and got: Quote:

- Mount-ISO v0.9.5 (using "sudo") - Creating a folder for servicemenus: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-dir.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-cue.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-ccd.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-grb.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-nrg.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-mdf.desktop: [ OK ] Installing mountiso-emu.desktop: [ SKIP ] Installing mountiso-xbx.desktop: [ SKIP ] Creating a folder for associations: [ SKIP ] Installing associations (*.NRG): [ OK ] Installing associations (*.CCD): [ OK ] Installing associations (*.MDF): [ SKIP ] Installing associations (*.CUE): [ SKIP ] Installing [ OK ] - Thank you for using Mount-ISO! -


I have the same problem. It does not appear to mount it to any of the usual places. I was able to install after changing the first line of the script. Man, this ISO had better be a good movie.


How did you solve?


I solved by using this script instead: I have to umount manually though (sudo umount <mount location>) I cannot resist the temptation to point out that the person that abandoned this script without finding a suitable maintaner, leaving us in the lurch, is now a mac user.


Hi, I installed the servicemenus (and then copied them to d3lphin too), but when I try to mount an ISO image, a popup comes out (with the path to the ISO image chosen) but the image is not mounted. I can't find it anywhere (shouldn't it be on the desktop?) I'm using Linux Mint 5 (basically KUbuntu Hardy). Any help appreciated. Thanks!


Hello. I just downloaded MountISO. Unfortunately, when I run the install script I get a "function not found" error at line 160 in the script -- apparently "function check_env {" Here is the output from bash : jdb2@jdb2-Kubuntu-temp:~/mount-iso-0.9.5$ ls COPYING README jdb2@jdb2-Kubuntu-temp:~/mount-iso-0.9.5$ ./ ./ 160: function: not found Couldn't find ! Type the full path here or press "Ctrl+C" to abort: I have all the dependencies installed. ( bchunk and cdemu ) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, jdb2


Forgot to mention what OS I'm running : Kubuntu 8.04 with all the latest updates. jdb2


Try with $ sudo bash or change the first line in the to #!/bin/bash



Try with $ sudo bash or change the first line in the to #!/bin/bash
Tried 'sudo bash' : same error. Also the first line in install.h was already set to '#!/bin/bash/' as was the execute flag on the file. jdb2



was already set to '#!/bin/bash/'
Get rid of the trailing slash. Damn fingers - heh. jdb2


LOL. I must be having one of those "brain segfault" days. :P Indeed the first line pointed to sh and not bash. I changed that and everything works now. :) Thanks reksio! jdb2


ERROR: Could not mount "/home/nt/Desktop/Mount-ISO (fallout.iso)"! Check your system settings. i've tried to install it via sudo (yes i ran the sudoers setup first) and also with kdesu. kdesu asks me for a password an then i get that error message. please help?


damn... i found the culprit myself. the script is fine, i just hadn't loaded the loop module.

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version 0.9.5
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