Secure your data!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Secure consists of command line encryption and decryption utilities as well as KDE service menus. Supported ciphers include Triple-DES, RC4, Blowfish, Idea, and the Cast5 cipher.
The Secure utilities use OpenSSL as a backend to the encryption and decryption routines. If you forget the password you used for the cipher algorithm, your file is LOST. DO NOT say you were not warned.
In addition, please be advised that cryptography falls under certain import and export restrictions depending on specific geographical areas.
For those residing in the United States, U.S. encryption policies can be found here:
How is this better than, say, GPG?
- Simpler
encrypt and decrypt from konqueror and the console
- Faster
don't spawn any heavyweight software
2005-11-26 Nick Bargnesi
* added an example encrypted text file (the des3 password is "1983")
* handle directories and files with spaces
* respect the cancel button
2005-11-24 Nick Bargnesi
* added French translations
* fixed kgpg conflict (thanks Raphaí«l Pinson)
* added utf-8 encoding to all .desktop files (thanks Raphaí«l Pinson)
2005-11-23 Nick Bargnesi
* version 0.1 release
Ratings & Comments
Is it possible to use this Servicemenu for Dolphin in KDE4?
PLD users may want to `vi` both encrypt and decrypt scripts before installing. Seems that BASH is better choice (at least for me it was), so change first lines to this:
BTW I also needed to change encrypt.desktop and decrypt.desktop files. I couldn't trust my shaky hands with entering correct passphrases.. I added -nd to both files in Exec= lines. That way it is much easier and much safer...
Very good aplication and two very good tips.
the style u r using look's very slick, i like those nice gradients , any planed release date?
Not really, I'm enjoying pushing around usability ideas right now, but my TODO keeps getting bigger and bigger. I'm trying to go about it with a fresh perspective. At least the ChangeLog is growing. :)
Hey what color scheme u using?..... only joking ! Very Nice tool, Although the kind of secrets I would want to keep would take more that 3XDes and blowfish to keep me out of the fire ! ;)
:) *That* stuff should be encrypted twice, one triple-des for strong standards and a topping of rc4 for scrambling. ;)
Does not work for me if file name has a space in it!
Yeah, about that. I can't get openssl to respect spaces in names from within the script! Let me know if you're ever able to get it to do so though. :(
Nevermind, fixed.
Hi, what font are you using? It looks really good. Thanks.
Tahoma - no anti-aliasing. Can't stand it.
Sorry for being frivolous, but what theme are you using in that screenshot?
Tiblit 2 - I started working on it again.