RichStyle Font
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It mainly covers icons required for web pages.
It was developed for RichStyle project.
It includes:
- Icons from The Noun Project.
- Icons of popular social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,... etc).
- HTML5 Technology Icons.
- ... and much more.
You can see a full list of all characters here:
fonts-richstyle (03) ; urgency=HIGH
* About 80 icons have been added, including Google+ icon.
* Modified icons:
Envelopes, Factory, Graduation cap, Light blob, Open book, Suite case, Telephone, VHS, Warning, Watch.
* Re-addressed icons:
* PDF: replaced with presentation icon
* Twitter bird
-- Mohammad Anas Ramadan Tue, 1 Jan 2013 00:00:00 +0200
ttf-richstyle (02) ; urgency=HIGH
* More than 80 icons have been added.
* Updated Twitter logo.
-- Mohammad Anas Ramadan Thu, 25 Jun 2012 14:01:16 +0300
ttf-richstyle (0.1) ; urgency=HIGH
* The initial release.
-- Mohammad Anas Ramadan Sun, 01 Apr 2012 00:12:35 +0200
Ratings & Comments
There is a trend over the last years to offer packages only for a specific distribution, mainly sh*tbuntu, which can't be the intention of this site. This is still kde-look.org. Either provide the source/raw package or post it on the disribution's site. m0nk
You can consider a debian package as a regular archive file contains a file called 'control'!
Hi! Maybe an awkward question, but ... You release this font under the "Ubuntu Font License 1.0", but entering your website (richstyle.org), I can see the icons that compose it are public domain, CC-*-3.0, etc; by using this font *just* under the Ubuntu Font License I may brake all CC-*-3.0 licenses or the authors of those given icons have made exceptions for this package? Thanks!
Agree with vltr. All icons on http://richstyle.org/font.php are Public Domain or CC-BY-3.0 and I don't think you can distribute them under the Ubuntu Font License. I can't use or distribute it unless you correct the license problem.
The answer is here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu-font-family/+question/187634
Yes, that answers most, but is there one ttf for each license in your debian package? If so, why give them the UFL?
There's one font for each font-format: richstyle.ttf, richstyle.otf, richstyle.svg... etc. All of them are licensed under UFL, because I like UFL :)
great job ;)
It would be great if you release a tar archive. Great icons, though.
You can open a Debian package like any regular archive file, and extract anything you want from it.