RichStyle Font
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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
The fonts are badly coded with deficient codepage. Contains really only the Russian alphabet.
Hi, Your fonts are intresting, but not good for Hungarians, because there isn't "Áá, Űű, Éé, Úú, Őő, Óó, Üü, öö, Íí" characters. Please make them, because I'd like use them. Bye, madboy74
Which fonts are included? Did you make them yourself, and if not, are you sure they are licensed under the GPL license?
I didn't make it myself. And maybe I am wrong with GPL license. I copied this fonts from site with windows fonts. And I do not know what a license.Sorry!
English and russian alphabets?? I don't really know where it starts to be wrong, in ignorancy, in some gringo-imperialist culture, in simplyfying things, don't know. Those are latin and cyrillic alphabets.
Да,вы совершенно правы.Тяжело не согласиться.Но на самом деле,для данного контента,я считаю,что моя ошибка не является принципиальной,поскольку суть остаётся неизменной - пакет содержит русский и английский шрифты.
ok, you're not gringo. but the error is still the same. may be you are russian, may be you are not, i don't know, but you should know that cyrillic alphabet is not used in Russia only. The same thing is with the latin alphabet, is used by a large part of the world, not even only english speakers. By the way, I don't know what you said, because you wrote it in russian (I think, it could be other language), wich goes against the policy of the site.
Guy, you're wrong. This is realy russian fonts, becouse cyrilic alphabet contains not only russin 32 letter. Ukrainian alphabet is cyrilic also but there is no some Ukrainian letters. So this is REALY russian. :) Плохо что нету Украинских. И с GPL у меня большие сомнения. А так ниче, пригодится. :)
If you are so nervously react to my mistake then you should know that cyrillic alphabet includes Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian alphabets... Continue to list? PS:there are only ENGLISH & RUSSIAN FONTS