Description: You want a lot of fun new fonts without sorting through the 6,760 fonts available at ?
No problem myself and a couple of others offered lists of their favorites. They’ve been combined and now the list is down to a much more manageable 76 fonts.
That's a very nicy work, a great collection!
Unlucly you can't install too much fonts because it would slow a lot the startup process.
So, IMHO, best way to avoid slow performances is to check the previews at the main website and then download only the choosen ones.
(Even if a classification per genres would have been easier and faster)
If you want an easy way to install them on GNOME then just hit alt + F2. A new dialog box will pop up titled 'Run Application'. Type fonts:/// and nautilus will open up with a fonts directory. You can just drop all the fonts you want to install in that directory (but they will only be available to your $USER account).
Open a Nautilus (filemanager) folder, preferably the one you have put the fonts in, than press CTRL-L and insert fonts:// as the location. Now press Enter.
Drag the font files inside the new window.
That's it :-)
The same functionality is accessible through the font configuration program of gnome, but I cannot remember the click-by-click path.
it seems that u r not a expers user. so, i think that u CAN not playing with your system folders.
in my ubuntu system i allways do clean «install» / copy of my fonts to the directory : /home/YOURUSERNAME/.fonts
if there at .../YOURUSERNAME/ you can not find the HIDDEN «.fonts» folder, then u can creat it simply :) ; just creat a normal new folder, then rename it to «.fonts» and you DONE !!!
after, copy or move your lovely fonts to this [.fonts] directory and in the terminal type the following and press ENTER to explain to your system to use those fonts FOR YOUR PLEASURE:
$ sudo fc-cache -f -v
[note that $ (dollar) sign says that the command at YOURUSERNAME prompt. simililarly, if there is # [number sign], then it says that you are at the ROOT command prompt]
have fun with your serious jobs :))
Cool! That is good to know also. I have no fear of messing with the file system as root. Completely screwing up my system then having to fix it seems to be the fastest way for me to learn. lol How else does one become an "experienced" user. :) Thanks to everyone who answered my question for passing on their knowledge.
Ratings & Comments
They're nice, downloading...
Отличная подборка шрифтов! Просто супер!!! Жаль лишь что нет русского алфавита ;( Очень жаль.
That's a very nicy work, a great collection! Unlucly you can't install too much fonts because it would slow a lot the startup process. So, IMHO, best way to avoid slow performances is to check the previews at the main website and then download only the choosen ones. (Even if a classification per genres would have been easier and faster)
The download link doesn't work anymore. Is it still somewhere??
Excellent! I like it! add my collection of unique thing in my ubuntu. hahaha Zulfikar Hakim
Apparently, someone has submitted this to Help vote it up to the front page from here: Thanks Sean
I like these very much but I 've never installed fonts before. Could you tell me how to install these in Gnome please?
It’s not GNOME-dependent but distribution-dependent. In my Debian, I just copy true type fonts in /usr/local/share/fonts/truetype/.
If you want an easy way to install them on GNOME then just hit alt + F2. A new dialog box will pop up titled 'Run Application'. Type fonts:/// and nautilus will open up with a fonts directory. You can just drop all the fonts you want to install in that directory (but they will only be available to your $USER account).
Open a Nautilus (filemanager) folder, preferably the one you have put the fonts in, than press CTRL-L and insert fonts:// as the location. Now press Enter. Drag the font files inside the new window. That's it :-) The same functionality is accessible through the font configuration program of gnome, but I cannot remember the click-by-click path.
Excellent! Thank you for all your help folks. I got them now and am very pleased. Thanks again.
it seems that u r not a expers user. so, i think that u CAN not playing with your system folders. in my ubuntu system i allways do clean «install» / copy of my fonts to the directory : /home/YOURUSERNAME/.fonts if there at .../YOURUSERNAME/ you can not find the HIDDEN «.fonts» folder, then u can creat it simply :) ; just creat a normal new folder, then rename it to «.fonts» and you DONE !!! after, copy or move your lovely fonts to this [.fonts] directory and in the terminal type the following and press ENTER to explain to your system to use those fonts FOR YOUR PLEASURE: $ sudo fc-cache -f -v [note that $ (dollar) sign says that the command at YOURUSERNAME prompt. simililarly, if there is # [number sign], then it says that you are at the ROOT command prompt] have fun with your serious jobs :))
Cool! That is good to know also. I have no fear of messing with the file system as root. Completely screwing up my system then having to fix it seems to be the fastest way for me to learn. lol How else does one become an "experienced" user. :) Thanks to everyone who answered my question for passing on their knowledge.
Uhh... experience?
Oh man. That comment was a year ago today! :oops: