Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Some parts original, some from Perfection, some from T-remix-black.
- Panel improved
- Logout buttons fixed
- Analog clock,widget background and tooltip taken from T-remix-black by Mc.
- Metadata reformat to correct GUI installer behavour
- Modified a lot to match newer edges (see changelog for detail)
- further work on logout dialog
- Untested tasks tweak
- Added fancy panel background, you will probably have to select it manually if you use a fancy panel.
- Shutdown dialog has active glow to match the updated Aurorae theme.
Ratings & Comments
OK, so I have installed this all correctly, I think, but I'm still not sure how you have the ENTIRE WINDOW transparent. Which of these configuration files is it that makes the window transparent?
The QtCurve config file is what you want. You will need a fairly up to date QtCurve too.
I'm using QTCurve 1.7 on Fedora 14. Even after importing the configure file I still have to adjust qtcurve settings manually to get the transluscency. I've got it almost like your screenshots except I can't get the menubar background to blend properly with the titlebar and the background. The menubar background stays opaque.
I cannot duplicate your issue, freshly importing the QtCurve file works fine for me using QtCurve 1.8. What steps have you taken to install it? Any chance you can send me a shot of whats actually happening with the style on your box as I'm not really following what you're describing.
Unfortunately I can't seem to duplicate it. Now when I try to import it it has no effect at all. What should the file be called? i.e. when I extract it from the tarball and I'm using the file chooser to tell it which file to import, no files are present unless I add a ".qtcurve" extension to it or change the file type to '*'. I guess it's unclear where exactly this config file should go. My Aurorae config is located in /home/neil/.kde/share/apps/aurorae/themes Here is a screen of the file chooser listing no results when the file is actually in that folder: http://s145.photobucket.com/albums/r238/strungoutfan78/Screens/?action=view¤t=qtcurve.png
It doesn't matter where the Dark-Translucent.qtcurve file is extracted to. You import it inside the system settings / application appearance / style / QtCurve - configure. Again I ask what steps have you taken? Which files have you downloaded? Sorry but your screenshot didn't really show me anything. By the way you're putting all these comments in the plasma themes comments. Probably best if theye're under theme/style for kde Dark-Translaucent comments so as if someone else is having the same trouble as you they can find it.
sorry for off topic, but i should ask you, how do you make transparented decoration e.g. in dolphin? i tried it bud it doesnt work:( please help, thanks
Sorry I'm not sure exactly what youu mean. If you're asking which programs I use to make these things then it's Gimp or Inkscape depending on file type. If you're asking what you need to do to look like my screen shots then try my Dark-Translucent Aurorae window decoration http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Translucent?content=133207 and Dark-Translucent QtCurve widget style http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Dark-Translucent+++++(QtCurve+config)?content=128877 Hope this helps.
im sorry, badly wrote. my english is not good. but now i get it, thanks for help. i would asked you, how do you set the system to windows will transparate, now i know so i needed qtcurve config files. now its ok. thanks my friend
For some reason, even tought I have the theme installed, it's not showing up in the avaible plasma themes list. Any idea why that may be happening? I have Linux mint 9 KDE 4.5.1 Thanks! Axel
How / where did you install it? mine is in ~/.kde4/share/apps/desktoptheme/ and it appears as it should in system settings. I'd like to help if I can but I'll need more to go on.
Lol, why didn't I think about that :P. I tried to install the theme with the theme installer in system settings. Seems like I have to manually extract the themes in the theme folder if I want to use them. Thanks! Axel
Eh - shouldn't it be installable with the systemsettings installer over kgetnewstuff? That's the way It is thought to work. What's wrong with the theme that this is not possible?
So is that the only reason you voted it down? What actually happened when you tried to use the GUI tools? Almost constructive criticism. Gee thanks.
Fixed this behaviour. GUI tools should now work fine. Turned out I had a line missing in the metadata file. Sorry about my previous reply, you caught me pre-coffee.
Eh. thynks. Now it works. Sorry for voting this down, it was some kind of... "accident" - I realized that you can't change your vote. Is that possible? Now that I can install it I like it very much though.