I hope you like it

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.3 - remove broken non-compositing part
→ completely rework of the shadows, should now work very well
Other Plasma Themes:
Plasma Themes are for the main elements of the DE, like Panel, Menu, etc.
Read more about how to do Plasma Themes here:
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Ratings & Comments
"Colorful" is what the description promises, and a "colorful" theme is exactly what you get. I don't care if it looks like Windows XP or not, I care that it really is very elegant and the background color of the panels make all icons/widgets very visible. Ideal for non-technical computer users. I will install this on all the Linux+KDE pc's I'm selling and giving away to friends and acquintances. I've only tested with desktop effects off.
3 people asket me how to set the clock-widget in the systemtray. there is no such a widget but you can add it with a trick. (its sometimes a little buggy so do not use it!) for Kubuntu: open /usr/share/kde4/services/plasma-applet-digitalclock.desktop as root add following line to the end: X-Plasma-NotificationArea=true save, run kbuildsycoca4, now you can add it as systemtray-widget
...How many years did it take for someone to do something like XP for KDE4. Thank you.
Thank YOU for the good words :) Its not a 100% WinXP port. just the full-size bar is XP-like. ^^