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Description:Hope this finds a welcome space in your collection of favorite plasma themes.
- added shutdown dialog.
- updated task group expander arrow.
- other very minor tweaks.
- Essentially complete. Couple of items I\'d like to look at again after taking a few days break to see how well they hold up in usage over time.
Ratings & Comments
And wonder that it is updated 10 years ago, but still works well in fresh KDE Plasma 5.15!
Very good theme! One of rare themes, that show active taskbar items as pressed button, instead of flat list with lines!
9 + I gotta say, I end up using this theme a lot. Well done!
Hello! Can you please tell me the name of the wallpaper? Good work. Thanks.
is it a bug with plasma taskbar, that the task buttons are not vertically centered? nice theme, please keep improving it. thank you so much. your efforts are good.
Hi, first of all, thanks for this theme. Finally a Plasma theme which fits in pretty well with my Bluecurve/Quarticurve-themed desktop (rectangles with square corners instead of that rounded stuff, honors the system colors). I found 2 issues with your theme though: 1. A cosmetic issue: the systray rectangle is not high enough, the systray icons overflow on the bottom by something like 3 pixels. Making the panel higher did not fix it, so it looks like an issue with the theme. 2. A pretty serious one: the shutdown dialog does not display. Your shutdown dialog theme appears to be faulty somehow. I noticed there's no object named "background" in your SVG, this may be the issue.
At the moment the shutdown dialog is designed to work with KDE 4.2.x which uses the standard 9 element background to render the shutdown dialog. (It does this because shutdown dialog may appear at different sizes in 4.2.x). I could group these 9 elements with a group id = "background" which would make it compatible with both kde 4.1 and kde 4.2. I'll post an update when I get around to it. I'm unable to duplicate the problems you're having with your systray. Hope this helps and glad you find the theme useful!
I am using 4.2.x, 4.2.1 to be precise (we'll have 4.2.2 in Fedora soon).
There seems to be the same problem with the logout dialog in kde 4.5.1. Only half of the dialog shows up. Everything else seem to work just fine and the theme looks great! It would be great if you could fix this small problem...
Thank you so much for creating this! Even the systray expanding arrow matches the widget arrow style perfectly. Amazing work! And you made sure I did not find it before today ;)
No problem man. I was genuinely hoping you would like it. Happy birthday!!
you are the best, i want to can make something like this...
Very nice theme but I can't read the fonts in the panel: http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7526/kdewq6.jpg using oxygen color scheme and kde 4.2. Is there a way to fix that
That's odd. Text color in the panel is supposed to be whatever your current foreground text color is. Is the text color always white no matter which color scheme you use? Does the same problem occur with Aya?
The screen shot is showing the Oxygen color scheme and KDE 4.2 so I'm having a bear of a time figuring this out. Anyone else having this problem?
Unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce the problem you're having. If others are having this problem let me know.
One possible reason is that you have used "Theme Details" in KDE 4.2 systemsettings, and selected a different theme to use for the color scheme. Both Aya and Atelier use the system color scheme, most (all?) others use fixed text colors, usually white.
First of all this is a great theme, but I think that the widget backgrounds(maybe the panel) need a little transparency.
When using a light color scheme.
Never mind, the theme is fine, the wallpaper was the problem