Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):

-added opaq elements (works well with transparenty turned off)
-added some new elements
-added buttons on folder view from carbon plasma theme (GPL licence)
-added tooltip.svgz
-fixed panel background, my favourite part in this theme
-added buttons
-added shutdown dialog
-a bit other changes
-fixed backgrounds of plasmoids
-changed almost everything
-names changed form .svg to .svgz
initial release
Ratings & Comments
Version 0.9 has the same md5sum with 0.3. Could you check it?
Are you sure? there are differences between this files...
You are right. You just changed the name from Raphsody to raphsody. The old file is still hosted at kde-look and my PKGBUILD downloaded the previous version. My mistake. BTW, I dont know if you named it raphsody in purpose, but the correct is rhapsody ;)
The name of my theme is Raphsody :)
It looks so diferent, I'm looking forward the next version.
but it doesn't work. When I switch, everything disappears. Any ideas?
i hope it works with kde 4.2 but even I really don't know this theme, maybe everything disappears becouse of that elements arent svg but svgz like kde 4.2 "recomended"
I can also confirm that "everything" got lost, well really just both of my panels.. I don't think it's the problem in svgz... My theme also had that problem because I used transparency instead of argb. But I just checked it in Inkscape and that's not the case. To open it in Inkscape I rename it to svg and it still dosen't show my panels... Strange.
this theme havent got complite panel-background yet, so maybe this is why panels are losting. If you want to see panel, it should have maximal width and be in the bottom of a screen.
I like it!
Witam ponownie ;) Nie wiem jak u innych, ale u mnie bardzo kiepsko to wygląda (KDE 4.2 svn). Na domiar złego ten theme namieszał mi trochę w wyglądzie i ustawieniach apletów.
Namieszał? heh może masz za jasną tapete? weź screena wrzuć :)
Screenshot: http://www.fotosik.pl/pokaz_obrazek/29166117dce58b80.html Namieszał namieszał, ale to raczej nie jego wina tylko ogólnie plasmy (choć przy zmianie innych themsów nie mam takich artefaktów na ekranie)
włącz może efekty(przeźroczystość), bo panel powinien być przeźroczysty my coy translation: turn on graphical efects :D
You have once again proved to be one of the best plasma theme creators... I just hope that you will release an update to the theme soon, that includes dialog backgrounds and a shutdown dialog :) Good luck and merry christmas!
Yes, I will, thank you :)