Now it has only few elements, but I'm going to make it better and better. Comments are welcome

sorry for my bad english
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-restored deafult clock
-colored attention task
-added hint-stretch-borders element to systemtray.svg
-added different look for panels in east and west position
-made less panel's border
-changed krunner.svg (I think, that now it blends better with the other elements)
-everything changed
-fixed background.svg
-initial release
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
3 - it is for unsupported KDE4
Could someone point me to the direction of HOWTO and requiered for this theme *complete noob*
Hi. Please, do not quit the development of this wonderful theme!
Please make an updated version that works proper on KDE 4.2.x and later on KDE4.3.x ! Great theme!
Hi, thanks for this nice theme, I like it very much! Only issue: the notes plasmoid has no backgroundcolor. Thanks for fixing this. Kind regards, Quentin
I LOVE this theme! This theme is THE reason I'm still using KDE. With translucency enabled, the panel is BEAUTIFUL. But.. as others have said, in 4.2, the backgrounds of windows are transparent (hover over Kicker, hover over clock). Please, please, PLEASE, continue the Arezzo theme and make a KDE 4.x native window decoration! Help us, ireko, you're our only hope!
Ohh its very nice what you said, but I have got still problems with installing kde 4 so I can not continue this theme, it's good and i dont want make it worse. I am using debian testing and i should upgrade it to experimental, but i dont want to do this, because i have got bad recollections with upgrading to experimental... I cant install from live cd or something like this because my CD doesnt work good ehh For virtualbox or something like this i havent got ram memory enough Pleasing someone to make screenshot everytime when i change something is very tiring for me and for this someone. I have started new project (Raphsody), maybe not as nice as Arezzo, but i dont carre if I break down Raphsody, becouse a couple of people is using it i hope, and i can change everything what i want it it :) Maybe if i would get a list of bugs in arezzo with screenshot i could make it, but sorry, dont expect to much from me. I have never seen kde4 live...
Witaj! Bardzo podoba mi sie Twoj temat. Jednak jest niedopracowany, wiec postanowilem Ci w tym pomoc;) Porobilem screenshoty i zaznaczylem co trzeba poprawic. Przy wylaczonym composite trzeba usunac te czarne ramki wkolo, a przy wlaczonym przyciemnic troche te przezroczyste elementy bo jesli ktos ma jasna tapete to nic nie widac. Mozna by takze dorobic obwodki na ikony bo te standardowe z oxygen'a sa paskudne:/ A tak to najladniejszy temat jaki powstal do plasmy!:) Screeny:
Awesome theme. It made me stick with KDE4. I don't know anything about themes. What would I have to do to hack and make the panel expandable?
this is helpfull in making plasma themes:
Hi, I really like your theme and I've been using for quite some time. I've noticed, though, that it doesn't go very well with KDE 4.2. Is an update planned? I'd really appreciate that. ;)
I'm waiting for a KDE 4.2 update too. This theme is awesome.
When i pass the mouse over a window in the taskbar, the label is very transparncy so the informations about the application window are unreadable, the background could be a little gray for example
This is my favourite Plasma theme, congratulations!
Many thanks for making your theme; quality-wise, it's clearly the best currently available for Plasma. That said, I'm not a fan of black, and would love it if you could produce a variant that meshes well with the "Steel" color scheme from kdebase, or even adjusts to the color scheme in general. I realize that's difficult with the sort of hand-made tweaks found in Arezzo, though.
Hey what's up. This question is not related to your theme (which is excelent!). How do you add the Notes widget on KDE 4.1.1? I've been looking for it and I can not find it anywhere. Thanks!
its not my screenshot, and not my kde, sorry
Sorry for the question but I'm new to KDE 4.1. How do you install these themes?
Right click your desktop -> select "Desktop Setting" -> click "New Theme" -> then your kde should automatically show all the plasma theme from this website. Click the "Install" button beside the theme you want to install.
I love the theme but I can't get the analog clock to show. The others (digital, etc) work fine.
I didn't make the analog clock for arezzo yet... I don't know. Has it ever been arezzo's clock? Maybe it was clock from Marysia Its hard for me to remember what does it look, when i have never seen this "live" Can someone has got older version?