Windows 7
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Made compatible with KDE 4.3
* Fixed colors in news plasmoid
+ Shutdown dialog
+ Lancelot theme
+ Panelspacer theme
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
10 i love it ! and have use it in the last Years
dont forget to update the file depencies and check the checkbox for "Plasma 6" too, because i love this theme and would nice if i can install it also in plasma 6, thy for your theme ! i looove it ! best Blacky
Would it be a big ordeal to change the Search bar background on the App Menu to "dark"?
9 Beautiful!
Hi, just wanted to let you know that it's a great theme, but in kde 4.5 there are a few missaligned thingies, eg. the notification icon and the taskbar icons. Also there is a small problem with the gradients... Great work anyhow!
I can affirm this behaviour and have made a screenshot, which shows one of these small errors when using the Smooth Tasks plasmoid. It would be great, if you could solve these problems, when you find time =). Many thanks for for work! I really like your theme and it's now my default one.
I noticed similar glitches using Smooth Tasks. I hope they get resolved.
This is a very nice Theme. The transparency is nicely done. Looks very good on my Kubuntu 10.04 system.
nice one!!!
I just Like this one very much... one little thing which bother me... I'm using "News" widget as my RSS reader, and it's background colours are black and.. bright pink (one line black one line pink...) and with whit fonts you can hardly see the "pink" line. is there an option to change it? Thanks a lot.
Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now.
Thanks man, Works like charm... ;-)
And you just MUST add a lancelot skin! Right now it just doesn't look right...
+1 for Lancelot theme ;)
mee stupid ... it's already done ... sorry for the confusion
Also, is there any possiblity to change the shutdown dialog? Right now it looks just like in Oxygen and I think it would be nice do add little transparency to it, and remove this moon ;)
I REALLY like it! Two more questions though - I don't really like the blueish glow on opened tasks - I find it too obtrusive. Could you make the glow radius a little lower? Secondly: I use Panel Spacer plasmoid to make my panels neater. However, you created only one panel spacer image, and in my opinion, it could be little more translucent (not just straight black line) But I really like the idea that tasks are black when are opened (not focused) and transparent when minimized! Overall,Good job! ;) Hope you can make it even better! :D
PS.: Masz simsy 3 przed premierą 2 czerwca! Pirat! :D (lepiej usuń tego skrinszota bo ktoś się będzie czepiał - PPS - RELOADED czy RAZOR1911? :PP)
Thanks a lot for your feedback! I'll see what i can do with those things. PS. Juz "poprawilem" screenshoty :P