Simple Date and Time
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
Other Plasma 5 Clocks:
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To make it look as possible from the original, I made these changes in the path: ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/minimalclock/contents/ui> main.qml Text { id: time font.bold: false color: textColor font.pointSize: 75 text: Qt.formatTime(["Local"]["DateTime"],"h:mm ap") .replace(' am', '').replace(' pm', ''); anchors { top:; left: parent.left; } } Text { id: ampm opacity: 0.5 color: textColor font.pointSize: 50 text : Qt.formatTime(["Local"]["DateTime"]," ap" ) anchors { top:; left: time.right; } } Text { id: date color: textColor font.pointSize: 32 text : Qt.formatDate(["Local"]["DateTime"],"dddd, MMM d yyyy" ) anchors { top: time.bottom; left: parent.left; } } can see an example in this screenshot.
The font used is the same as the original, "Geo Sans Light": I'm sorry for forgetting to put it in the first comment. Have a lot of Fun!!
This used to have an option for a 12hr clock. Could we have that back, please?
Well, like you I wanted that 12 hour clock back, as well as the old "look" where the text was outlined in black, because then clock was visible on any background if the text was white. So I've gone ahead and done just that, it's not the nicest since I've just learned QML and the javascript needed for the change, but it's finally working. Here it is packaged if you want it:
Cool stuff!
the plasmoid shows the hour in 24h format and the p.m/a.m text at the same time. for example: 20:35 p.m. can you add in the configure dialog the option to change between 24h and 12h?