Network Monitor
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- qt5-graphicaleffects
- e.g. package for kubuntu users: libqt5qml-graphicaleffects
- Add Widgets... -> Get new widgets -> Download new plasma widgets
- find this applet and install through the first item with .plasmoid extension
- position & sizing & history graph fixes
- fix for hiDPI fonts
- theming & number size fixes
- 3-digit speeds
- one-line layout is more compact & can show only download/upload
- speed can be shown in bits
- NetworkManager is no longer needed for tracking connected network devices
- one-line layout option added
- DD-WRT vlan monitoring by stefanbesler from github
- new widget icon by varlesh from github
- grid layout fix for vertical panel
- automatic grid layout with configurable size coefficient (with multiple showed devices)
- history graph recalculating delay fixed
- code cleanups
- connection icon fix
- bigger text option
- code optimizations
- repaired resizing on desktop
- fixed compatibility with KF 5.12
- better handling no-connection state
- minor fixes
- white-list/black-list filtering
- history graphs added
- configurable icon blur radius
- added update interval settings
- added a few visual settings
Initial import
Ratings & Comments
10 Thanks! I really enjoy using this widget. Helps to evaluate the quality of the Internet connection.
6 6 okay Works, but fill the log with ``` ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.networkMonitor/contents/ui/HistoryGraph.qml:41: TypeError: Cannot read property 'height' of null ``` if history plotting is enabled
1 Doesn't detect any network interfaces aside from the forced lo; qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects is installed. Kubuntu 20.04, plasmashell 5.18.5. Log spammed with QQmlEngine::setContextForObject(): Object already has a QQmlContext file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop/contents/configuration/AppletConfiguration.qml:212:17: QML QQuickItem: Binding loop detected for property "implicitHeight" file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop/contents/configuration/AppletConfiguration.qml:163:13: QML ScrollView: Binding loop detected for property "implicitWidth" file:///usr/share/plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop/contents/configuration/AppletConfiguration.qml:299:25: QML StackView: Binding loop detected for property "height" DBusMenu disabled for this application
10 10 the best
8 8 great
This looks good! Thanks for the widget. However, it seem doesn't work with virtual bonding interfaces. When I add, for instance, bond0 to the whitelist, the widget displays no activity at all. It would be nice to have it working for those type of virtual devices. Thanks and kudos.
I have a dell laptop with dell dock that has his own network adapter. If i turn on the laptop with the dock attached, works perfectly with the eth adapter. But after suspend and wakeup (with connected dock or after wake up connect the dock) the network adapter of the dock fails detection. The only work around I had found is to check show loopback, and uncheck it (saving between checks).
9 A nice one, thanks!
9 Similar to the old knetload (simple, compact, and nice), but configurable.
New version crashes (plasma crash) if speed digits become double-digit. reproducible every time.
You mean every time upload or download speed becomes e.g. "12K" (2-digit text with suffix) it crashes? What settings do you use with this applet? I cannot reproduce it. How did you install this applet? By AUR or by "Download New Plasma Widgets"?
Sorry, I think it was my error. In the moment, I cannot use the pc, where your plasmoid is crashing. But on 2 other PC now it works after updating excellent. First installation works via Gui, but updating not. I upgrade all installed plasma 5 plasmoids in this way, because the way via the gui doesn't work actually in Kubuntu 15.10: I download your zip-file, I overwrite older files via "compare by content" with Krusader for these directories: ~/.local/share/kservices5 only desktop-file ~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.networkMonitor But now I have seen, that one file was older in the zip-file, because the recently installation via Gui change the file date of your files during installation. So I have forgot to overwrite the file, which was older in the zip-file.
I see. I'm glad you sorted that out. I've already heard about the non-ability to update already installed plasmoid. Unfortunately I didn't figure out if this is my fault (proper naming of plasmoid when uploading to kde-apps) or the KDE update utility fault. I try to investigate further and repair my widget or place a bug in kde bugzilla.
No, it is your fault, it must be a bug in plasma 5, because I had have problems with the plasma desktop plasmoids after the upgrade to 15.10 on one pc. On this pc I had have to remove all plasmoids (via deleting all files). After reinstallation via gui, the gui listed the newly installed plasmoids in the menu "installed". But after a restart, no installed plasmoid was listed in the gui menu "installed" anymore.
I've just tested this use-case and had the same results - no entries in installed section. So I created a bug report for that: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=355011
The widget is looking great. Very usable. Would it be easy to add an option to change the speed between bits/sec and bytes/sec? Many Thanks.
Sure, should be easy. Next release :)
Thank you :)
Thank You for making this applet NetworkManager independent. Now I can finally use it. ;)
I'm glad it is useful :)
I think if there are an option to make upload and download speed in one line that will make font bigger with better look. like this extensions https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/104/netspeed/ greet work, thank you.
Good idea, thanks for feedback and reference to the gnome extension. I'll add an option to show the speeds bigger and in one line :-)
Thank you for the one line option i tried it and i really like it so i came with some suggestions : ) I think the distance between upload and download is large http://s10.postimg.org/bawrbxv0p/sc4.png so i suggest either give the user the option to set this distance himself or you set it to be good for just 3 digits. I suggest to make an option to show only upload or download speed. Thanks again : )
Your suggestions are good, I'll go for 3-digit distance and only upload / download option. Next release :)
Thank you for the new version i like it. What about making the distance between upload and download automatically increase/decrease according to digits required for upload speed? i mean when upload speed is 1-digit number then distance decrease to be good for only one digit and if upload speed rises to 2-digits number the distance rises too and so on. I think it will not be easy but it is a nice feature. at the end i am very happy with the new version thanks : )